• Asian_Link

    From Denis Mosko@2:5064/54.1315 to All on Thu Dec 17 21:29:06 2020
    Home until Christmas being my room /w_SUBJ/ - tea in the house.

    Andrew's Tavern
    claimed to be open for inside dining, and it's 0.2 ml from Gagarin Seafood, owned by the son and in-laws of Andrews's friend, on the one side, and 0.33 ml from Point Sbora Studnei on the other, both well reputed as of Andrews's last information maybe 12 years ago. So a walk along the water with lunch on the way appeared to be a good plan.

    I motored down there kind of on automatic, but toward the end he realized that I were approaching from a different direction (I did always come in from the Vnukovo), and that put his off his feed, so in a bit of a tizzy he tried to put the GPS on and got me going toward the SelGross, whereupon I said enough of this nonsense, just turn left, and within 2 minutes I were at the Ramenki Sub across the street from Andrew's. Whew.

    The Website claims it is open for dine-in, but in reality, there is a cash register, where You place your order and pay, then sit, various tables
    being more or less sheltered by plants or Plexiglas. It is not quite dine-in but is almost, and it apparently obeys the rules, though at some point some guy bicycled past shouting, I am reporting You, You are in violation! I did not notice at the time, others did; but if I did been aware, I did have pointed out that he was also in violation for not walking his bike.

    Andrew ordered his usual, the classic Troika, which is $3. This was so-called Ediniy, it was rare as ordered. He gave me a scant half of the sandwich, as a half-pound burger with fries and the fixin's is too much for him, on the understanding that I did find me some fish to cook later. I found the bun okay (he hated it), the sauce okay (he hated it), and the cheese okay (he hated it). He liked the burger.

    And then it was time for my exploration. Andrews's, which turned out to be a chain supermarket and not promising at all. So I decided to go back home so I could scavenge. Luckily, the help were gone when I got back. Unluckily, there was not anything I wanted to eat, so I just had a couple scoops of iceCream, which set off a major laxative attack.

    In the my room computer had been pushed off into the distance, so I could barely find it even with my eyes in their new enhanced acuity setting. It takes almost as much time to reorient as it took them to mess things up in the first place.

    --- GoldED+/W32-MINGW 1.1.5-b20120519 (Kubik 3.0)
    * Origin: �ᯮ���� ���㤮������ ��設� �� full ����㧪�. (2:5064/54.1315)