Dmitry Protasoff wrote to Al Kaiser Subject: BinkD Issue
Hello, Al!
Monday July 24 2023 09:12, you wrote to All:
At times when I try to connect to my feed and it fails, I
try again and the BinkD screen just "flashes" and no retry is
made. I usually have to either reboot or come back in a day or so
and BinkD works.
Any one have any clues as to why this happens. I am running
on a Windows XP system because that is the only thing my mail
program work on.
What is your BinkD version?
I believe if I read the .cfg file correctly. Guess I should
also mention that it is running on a Widows XP drive on a Windows 7
computer because I am using Terminate and it never was written for anythting later than XP.
I also check mail once a momth or so. Alwauys been more of a luker.
Been around FIDO since the glory days of the HST Phone 34 then 56 K modems.
Al Kaiser [email protected] <=-
'Til we write again...
Al Kaiser - Meriden, CT, 17-Aug-2023 at 9:53.
Fido : 1:142/926 - Internet :
[email protected]
.!. If corn oil is made from corn. What's baby oil made from?
--- Terminate 5.00/Pro
* Origin: My own POINT of light! (1:142/926)