From Fordude@1:218/830 to All on Mon Apr 6 19:33:00 2020
I was wondering if anyone has seen his recent YouTube videos entitled:
"The Great Pandemic: What's Really Going on?"
You can search for them, I won't post links here.
Someone recently shared the link with me and I have watched all 3 Videos he has online. The first one was posted on March 29, 2020 and has over 1.1M views. His most recent post was April 5, 2020 (I day ago from this post) and already has 228K views!
His position with what is really going on is fascinating! Not sure how I feel or if I believe any of this, but it is interesting to hear.
Anyone else here watched David's videos about his explaination of the current Covid-19 pandemic?
--- CNet/5
* Origin: Dreambuilders: (1:218/830)