Quick Help for Moderators
EList v4.1
The Elist program
Copyright (c) 2018 by Ben Ritchey
Note: The information in this guide was taken from A Moderator's
Guide to ECHOBASE (c) Dana Bell, and customized by the ListKeeper.
This file may be designated as the file to be sent in response to
fatal errors and requests for HELP.
EList v4 is a database program that maintains a database of
echomail conference information. This particular program was
written to meet the need to maintain and distribute echomail
conference lists within FIDONet.
The FIDONet echolists published by this program include
ELIST.NA, a short, areafix uplink file format distributed
monthly and ELIST.RPT, a longer descriptive file distributed on
a monthly basis.
Moderators may add or update entries to the list by writing to
ECHOLIST (or ELIST). The program will read the message and
update the EList database, then post a reply to the ELIST
conference and optionally via Email (Note: the Reply-to keyword
overrides the FROM Email if present).
Address netmail messages
To: ECHOLIST, (1:1/21)
Updates via Email are also available via
[email protected]
and use the following keywords to set the fields of your echolist
TAGname <areatag> x36
TITLe <brief area description> x72
DESCription <description of the echo> 15 lines x75
RULES <description of the rules> 20 lines x75
MODerator <moderator name>, <mod node>, <mod email>
COMODerator <co-moderator name>, <co-mod node>, <co-mod email>
REPLY-to <reply-to name>, <reply-to node>, <reply-to email>
PASSword <current password>, <new password> x36
VOLume <number of messages>/Month 0-nnnnn
RESTrictions </MEMber, /SYSop, /MOD-apvl, /REAl, /ACC, text> x72
ORIGin <origination of the distribution> x36
DISTribution <distribution> x72
GATEway <gateways> x72
GROUP <Abbrev. of Network; i.e. FIDO) x16
RULETEXT <signifies start of appended Rules text data, MUST be last>
HELP <respond with help message>
A sample message might have this in the text
TITLE FIDONet echoes discussion
MOD Joe Sysop, 1:393/68
DESC Discussions about echoes
DESC and moderators
The keywords are truncated prior to checking, so matching will
only be done for the capitalized portion of the keyword.
Keywords may be capitalized or lowercase. The following three
entries will have the same effect.
Optionally end the message with three-dashes indicating the end of
the message. With the exception of the DESCription and RULEs fields,
only one entry is allowed per field. If multiple entries are included
in the message, processing will continue but only the last one
will be saved. If you don't have an entry for a field, there is
no need to include the keyword (specifying JUST the keyword will
erase/blank any existing value(s). Only the areatag and password
is necessary for updating.
Update submissions to the echolist that don't require any changes
may be done by including just the areatag, and PASSword.
Full details already in the database will remain the same. New
listings will require areatag, title, moderator and password.
In order to delete an area from the list, you should use
the subject MODerator DELete (or MOD DEL).
When submitting an entry with DESC or RULES fields, be sure to begin
each line with DESC or RULES and end it with a hard carriage return.
(Some editors may word wrap all messages and strip carriage returns
when saving. Some of these editors, however, may allow you to
force carriage returns by indenting.)
NOTE: blank lines after DESC or RULES keywords will RESET everything
to null, as with all text based keywords.
Address any questions to Ben Ritchey at 1:1/21, 1:393/68, the
ECHOLIST echo itself or via Email to <
[email protected]>.
-=:{ End of EListHlp.Txt }:=-
NOTE: Mod Rul submissions are still in development, but note the RULETEXT keyword above. You can insert your Mod Rul text file (just the body of text) right AFTER the RULETEXT keyword at the end of a Mod Upd submission (naturally for the same Tag name). Holler if ya need ... :)
.- Keep the faith, --------------------------------------------------.
| |
| Ben aka cMech Web: http|ftp|binkp|telnet|
ssh://cmech.dynip.com |
| |
| vvvvvv Email: fido4cmechSPAM(at)lusfiberBLOCK.net |
| { O O } Home page:
http://cmech.dynip.com/homepage/ |
| __m___oo___m__ |
`--| | | |-- -------------------------------------------------'
... Have a Velveeta on White with a Bud Lite!
--- GoldED+/W32-MSVC v1.1.5-g20180902 + Mystic v1.12 A43 Win32
* Origin: EList HQ - The Positronium Repository (1:1/21)