From Denis Mosko@2:5064/54.1315 to Mike Powell on Tue Sep 15 05:14:58 2020
    Sep 20 @ 14:41:

    "PLASTIC bags can be dangerous.

    To avoid danger of suffocation, keep this bag away from babies and


    Plastic is not gas permeable so, in the event that the bag becomes
    tight around a childs head, they cannot breathe.
    Now, if you are asking why we need to be warned against this, the USA
    is a society that likes to sue.
    What mean sue in this "suite", Mike

    Makers of the packaging will put the
    warnings on there so that parents cannot easily sue them in the event
    that they leave their children alone to play with the packing
    2All: My name is Denis. And Your?

    --- GoldED+/W32-MINGW 1.1.5-b20120519 (Kubik 3.0)
    * Origin: In begin was word. In end will be origin :) (2:5064/54.1315)
  • From Denis Mosko@2:5064/54.1315 to Mike Powell on Tue Sep 29 05:54:56 2020
    Yes, I do, my dear tutor.

    I speak English very well.

    2All: And You?

    --- GoldED+/W32-MINGW 1.1.5-b20120519 (Kubik 3.0)
    * Origin: � ��砫� �뫮 ᫮��. � ���� �㤥� �ਤ���. (2:5064/54.1315)