Denis Mosko@2:5064/54.1315 to
All on Sun Nov 15 14:47:32 2020
Luckily, it suddenly became cold and rainy. We went from a record high on the 15th to tying a record low.
I truned cooler (from upper 70s to mid 60s) and very wet. Andrew got a rain gauge a while back & checked it about an hour ago. Since last night (about 18 hours time) I have had about 2.5" of rain, plus another 1.1" yesterday and more to come before it clears out some time tonight. Then the cold weather will settle in; by Friday, my highs are supposed to be mid 50s.
I was wondering if putting a antenne cable guiding it to fall the other direction would help. That's a call for the experts; they would have to be the ones to put it in anyways. Best all around is just to get it taken down, the sooner, the better.
Every household really should have only 1 clock each; that way I had know what time it was.
I am got, in addition to the 2 named above, 3 chiming clocks, a coukoo, a mantle clock that belonged to my granny, a clock that was a wedding present, various wrist watches/computer clocks, a clock radio (used as a white noise machine), cell phone clocks and a clock on the microwave oven. The older ones counter balance the newer ones.
If too many cooks spoil the food, do too many clocks spoil the mood?
I did hate to be the ones untangling that legal/ethical mess.
The ones doing the untangling would likely be the only ones benefiting!
Not at all, if 1 actually cares about 1's money.
No, but some people have more heart sense than head sense.
People who rely on one kind when the other is called for probably don't have any sense at all.
2) Is it true?.
There have always been in my experience sufficient clues. Flavor, texture, if not color. But in that form, a lot of the seafood tastes very similar. Generally I don't find that so.
... You learn something useless every day.
I was directed to a Website of useless information that claimed that Moscow city grew the majority of the eggplant consumed in the world. Well, that's interesting, thought I, so I started digging around, and as you might be able to guess, not only is it useless, it's false. By a lot.
3) Is this fake news?
I can not see Moscow being a major eggplant producing state.
--- GoldED+/W32-MINGW 1.1.5-b20120519 (Kubik 3.0)
* Origin: �ᯮ���� ���㤮������ ��設� �� full ����㧪�. (2:5064/54.1315)