• Jonatan Kharker

    From Denis Mosko@1:153/757.1315 to All on Wed Mar 10 17:57:56 2021
    I from Russia, All,
    How to write full name of hero?

    He is from animation film
    "Nosferatu. Ujas nochi"

    --- WinPoint Beta 5 (359.1)
    * Origin: Subj - Russian text by English letters (1:153/757.1315)
  • From Anton Shepelev@2:221/360 to Denis Mosko on Thu Mar 11 00:07:26 2021
    Denis Mosko:

    How to write full name of hero?

    This question of yours is again incomprehensible
    without reading the subject line: Jonatan Kharker.

    He is from animation film "Nosferatu. Ujas

    You start from the wrong end. This is a primitive
    secondary (derivative) work. You ought to begin at
    the beginning -- by reading Bram Stoker's master-
    piece "Dracula", written in 1897. Then you should
    watch Murnau's excellent, if unlicensed, adaptation
    of it called "Nosferatu", shot in 1922 and available
    in high-defintion on Blu-ray. If your thirst for
    blood is not satiated, you are welcome to the sound
    era, with the standard Tod Browning's[1] version
    shot cotemporaneolsly and... colocationally (?) with
    George Melford's Spanish version. After than it will
    be time move on into the era of color film with its
    ketchup blood, of which the primary delights are the
    Hammer franchise with the great Christofer Lee.

    By then you shall have learned the name of Jonathan
    Harker :-)
    1. Speaking of Browning, I highly recommend his

    --- Sylpheed 3.7.0 (GTK+ 2.24.30; i686-pc-mingw32)
    * Origin: nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Lake Ylo - Finland (2:221/360.0)
  • From Anton Shepelev@2:221/360 to Anton Shepelev on Thu Mar 11 00:37:10 2021
    I wrote:

    After than it will be time move on into the era
    of color film with its ketchup blood, of which
    the primary delights are the Hammer franchise
    with the great Christofer Lee.

    I intended my post to end up with a contemporary
    movie, but failed. I recommend that you shun Keanu
    Reeves' worst failure, but pay attention to Abel
    Ferrara's nasty "Addiction", which should feel nice
    after the sleek and erotic representation of Dracula
    by Lee.

    --- Sylpheed 3.7.0 (GTK+ 2.24.30; i686-pc-mingw32)
    * Origin: nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Lake Ylo - Finland (2:221/360.0)
  • From Denis Mosko@1:153/757.1315 to Anton Shepelev on Thu Mar 11 13:28:32 2021
    //Hello Anton, //

    *11.03.21* *0:07:26* in ap�� *ENGLISH_TUTOR*
    *Denis Mosko* Theme *"Jonatan Kharker"*.

    He is from animation film "Nosferatu. Ujas nochi"

    Yes, anumation film from 2010 year by Vladimir Marinichev.
    You start from the wrong end. This is a primitive secondary (derivative) work. You ought to begin at the beginning -- by reading Bram Stoker's master-piece "Dracula", written in 1897. Then you
    should watch Murnau's excellent, if unlicensed, adaptation of it called "Nosferatu", shot in 1922 and available in high-defintion on Blu-ray. If your thirst for blood is not satiated, you are welcome to the sound era, with the standard Tod Browning's version shot
    cotemporaneolsly and... colocationally (?) with George Melford's Spanish version. After than it will be time move on into the era of color film with its ketchup blood, of which the primary delights are the Hammer franchise with the great Christofer Lee.

    And I edited Subj to Jonathan Harker, Anton.

    --- WinPoint Beta 5 (359.1)
    * Origin: 21-st century (1:153/757.1315)