• HPTUtil unmaintained

    From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to Richard Menedetter on Wed Feb 20 04:10:06 2019
    Hi Richard,

    I used to use hptutil purge to purge the msgbase.
    Now on a new 64 bit Linux system hptutil segfaults.

    Is sqpack a better alternative for hptutil purge?

    I have not used hptutil so I can't say sqpack is better but I use it her with good results for many years.

    sqpack netmail or sqpack "*" works for me.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-4
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Richard Menedetter@2:310/31 to Alan Ianson on Wed Feb 20 13:15:38 2019
    Hi Alan!

    20 Feb 2019 04:02, from Alan Ianson -> Richard Menedetter:

    Is sqpack a better alternative for hptutil purge?
    sqpack netmail or sqpack "*" works for me.

    I have also changed to exactly that.
    Seems to work fine here as well.

    I think hptutil is unmaintained.

    Thanx for your reply and help.

    CU, Ricsi

    ... The way to have a better tomorrow is to begin working on it today.
    --- GoldED+/LNX
    * Origin: Even if you persuade me, you won't persuade me. (2:310/31)
  • From Tommi Koivula@2:221/1.100 to Richard Menedetter on Wed Feb 20 17:07:56 2019
    Hi Richard.

    20 Feb 19 12:35, you wrote to All:

    I used to use hptutil purge to purge the msgbase.
    Now on a new 64 bit Linux system hptutil segfaults.

    I've seen that happen also.. :(

    Is sqpack a better alternative for hptutil purge?

    It sure works better. I don't purge at all, but sometimes I 'pack' areas. I try not to renumber message bases, it messes up the message counters with jamnntpd.


    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: telnet://v6.fidonet.fi (2:221/1.100)
  • From Brother Rabbit@2:460/5858 to Richard Menedetter on Thu Feb 21 12:27:04 2019
    Hi, Richard!

    20 䥢 19 12:35, Richard Menedetter -> All:

    I used to use hptutil purge to purge the msgbase.
    Now on a new 64 bit Linux system hptutil segfaults.

    Is sqpack a better alternative for hptutil purge?

    Yes. It does not brake tha JAM base.

    Have nice nights.
    Brother Rabbit.

    � �⪫��뢠� ��ﭪ� �� �����, � ᥪ� �� ������.
    * Origin: Lame Users Breeding. Simferopol, Crimea. (2:460/5858)
  • From Richard Menedetter@2:310/31 to Brother Rabbit on Thu Feb 21 12:54:22 2019
    Hi Brother!

    21 Feb 2019 12:30, from Brother Rabbit -> Richard Menedetter:

    Is sqpack a better alternative for hptutil purge?
    Yes. It does not brake tha JAM base.

    That is a nice bonus ;)))
    Thanx for the info!

    CU, Ricsi

    ... You can have my sword when you pry it from my dead hands!
    --- GoldED+/LNX
    * Origin: Suicide is the most sincere form of self criticism. (2:310/31)
  • From Benny Pedersen@2:230/0 to Alan Ianson on Wed Dec 4 10:46:50 2019
    Hello Alan!

    20 Feb 2019 04:02, Alan Ianson wrote to Richard Menedetter:

    sqpack netmail or sqpack "*" works for me.

    ----- doall.bash begins -----
    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    # only run if not all ready doing
    if [ -f /home/xpoint/fido/lock ]; then
    echo 'Already running - exiting dohpt;';
    # clean file areas with expire
    /usr/bin/htick clean
    # toss echomail
    /usr/bin/hpt toss
    # process afix
    /usr/bin/hpt afix
    # scan echomail out
    /usr/bin/hpt scan
    # pack outbound mail out
    /usr/bin/hpt pack
    # make hpt queue update
    /usr/bin/hpt qupd
    # link echomail
    # process afix
    /usr/bin/htick ffix
    # make sure file exists
    touch /home/ftp/pub/filelist/annfecho.txt
    # make file list
    /usr/bin/htick toss annfecho /home/ftp/pub/filelist/annfecho.txt filelist /home/ftp/pub/filelist/filelist.txt
    # create lda archive of it
    /usr/bin/lha a /home/ftp/pub/filelist/filelist.lha /home/ftp/pub/filelist/filelist.txt
    # make zip archive of it
    /usr/bin/zip -9 /home/ftp/pub/filelist/filelist.zip /home/ftp/pub/filelist/filelist.txt
    # make rar archive of it
    # /opt/bin/rar a -std -inul /home/ftp/pub/filelist/filelist.rar /home/ftp/pub/filelist/filelist.txt
    # make nodelist update if nlupdate exists :)
    # [ -f /usr/bin/nlupdate ] && /usr/bin/nlupdate
    [ -f /usr/bin/nlupd ] && /usr/bin/nlupd
    [ -f /usr/bin/ulc ] && /usr/bin/ulc

    # announce new files
    /usr/bin/htick announce

    TMP=`cat /home/ftp/pub/filelist/annfecho.txt | wc -l`
    if [ $TMP -ge 1 ];
    /usr/bin/hpt post -nf "Sysop" -af 2:230/38.0 -nt "All" -at 2:230/38.0 -s "new fileareas at xpoint" -e "xpoint_info" -z "yes" -o "Enough" -f loc -d /home/ftp/pub/filelist/annfecho.txt

    # update queue reports
    /usr/bin/hpt qrep
    # clean echomail
    /usr/bin/sqpack "*"

    # janis
    /home/xpoint/bin/outman poll -bso 1:261/38

    # bjoern
    /home/xpoint/bin/outman poll -bso 2:203/0

    # tommy
    /home/xpoint/bin/outman poll -bso 2:221/0
    # /home/xpoint/bin/outman poll -bso 2:221/1

    # ward
    /home/xpoint/bin/outman poll -bso 2:292/854

    # kofo1
    /home/xpoint/bin/outman poll -bso 2:230/150

    # kofo2
    /home/xpoint/bin/outman poll -bso 2:230/152

    # luka
    # /home/xpoint/bin/outman poll -bso 2:280/1027

    # kees
    /home/xpoint/bin/outman poll -bso 2:280/5003

    # pabel
    /home/xpoint/bin/outman poll -bso 2:5030/786

    # end
    ----- doall.bash ends -----

    its a mess that it still works :)

    Regards Benny

    ... there can only be one way of life, and it works :)

    --- Msged/LNX 6.1.2 (Linux/4.19.86-gentoo (x86_64))
    * Origin: I will always keep a PC running CPM 3.0 (2:230/0)