Hello Vincent!
14 Feb 22 14:38, you wrote to Louis Northmore:
Hello Louis!
Does hpt or another husky util provide an option to export file
areas to .na files?
I'm attempting to auto create areas in my BBS software from
So you want to use BACKBONE.NA as the master file for when new areas arrive, right ?
Nope, as not all feeds provide NA files currently.
All my echos do get added to my husky areas file though. I had hoped there might be something existing that could convert that to an NA file.
I'll give it a few more days then write something to do just that.
It's my own fault for making life complicated by using seperate mailers, tossers & board software!
... ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI!
--- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5--b20170303
* Origin: Sonic BBS :: North Yorkshire, England (2:250/8)