Hi Michael.
23 Mar 24 23:38, you wrote to me:
If I set up an echoarea with "-nopack -$m 9999 -p 366", sqpack will
pack the the msgbase.
If I set up an echoarea with "-$m 9999 -p 366 -nopack ", sqpack will
NOT pack the the msgbase.
Is this intentional behaviour? In the docs there is:
do not purge or pack area (overrides -p & -$m)
There is also in the docs:
-p <integer>
purge after n days: used by purging utilities like sqpack (*); default value is 0;
So, in your first example '-nopack' says not to purge, but after that '-p 366'
says "Do purge" and cancels the previous command not to purge. It is the intentional behaviour. I have changed the documentation to reflect this fact.
Thank you for paying attention to that.
Thank you for clarifying this. Someone might think that -nopack overrides the -p and -$m commands no matter what. ;)
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