* Originally in ENET.SYSOP
* Crossposted in FN_SYSOP
Hello All,
Monday May 13 2019 13:19, I wrote to you:
The system of Kees van Eeten, 2:280/0 AKA 2:280:5003 has been
unreachable via IPv4 for about a week. That it took so long to notice
is beause those having IPv6 don't have any problems.
I can not reach Kees at the moment. So I created a work around via Fest-IP.net.
The problem is solved. 280/0 and 280/5003 can be connected in the "normal" way again via fido.ddutch.nl.
2:280/0 and 2:280/5003 can now be connected on IPv4 via:
de4.portmap64.net:24554 (binkp only)
The 4 to 6 proxy served its purpose, but is no longer needed. It will be removed tomorrow.
Cheers, Michiel
--- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20130111
* Origin: Michiel's laptop (2:280/5555.1)