Turquoise SuperStat 3.1 * Message area statistics =================================================
(c) Copyright 1998-2008 Peter Krefting
This report covers 125 messages that were received at this system between 2019-06-01 00:00:02 and 2019-06-30 01:12:33 and written between 2019-05-31 10:19:00 and 2019-06-30 09:58:15.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blacklist of quoters (of people who have written at least three messages)
Place Name Msgs Ratio
1. Tommi Koivula <
[email protected]> 5 70.75%
2. Joe Martin <1:104/57> 3 69.45%
3. Zazz <1:124/5014> 3 65.29%
4. David Drummond <3:640/305> 6 60.51%
5. TERRY ROATI <3:640/1321> 4 58.70%
6. Paul Hayton <3:770/100> 10 51.27%
7. Nick Andre <1:229/426> 6 48.95%
8. Fabio Bizzi <2:335/364.1> 6 47.84%
9. Wilfred van Velzen <2:280/464> 8 47.12%
10. Paul Quinn <3:640/1384.125> 7 36.54%
11. Henri Derksen <2:280/1208> 11 36.42%
12. Rudi Timmermans <2:292/140> 6 34.81%
13. Holger Granholm <2:20/228> 11 32.43%
14. Kees van Eeten <2:280/5003.4> 4 31.71%
15. Ward Dossche <2:292/854.1> 11 28.56%
A total of 96080 bytes were written (message bodies only), of which 33501, or 34.87%, were quotes.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of writers
Place Name Msgs Bytes Quoted
1. Henri Derksen <2:280/1208> 11 16965 36.42%
Holger Granholm <2:20/228> 11 9247 32.43%
Ward Dossche <2:292/854.1> 11 5018 28.56%
4. Paul Hayton <3:770/100> 10 4449 51.27%
5. Wilfred van Velzen <2:280/464> 8 3650 47.12%
6. Paul Quinn <3:640/1384.125> 7 4070 36.54%
7. mark lewis <1:3634/12.73> 6 6729 22.99%
David Drummond <3:640/305> 6 3915 60.51%
Fabio Bizzi <2:335/364.1> 6 2247 47.84%
Nick Andre <1:229/426> 6 2184 48.95%
Rudi Timmermans <2:292/140> 6 1913 34.81%
12. Tommi Koivula <
[email protected]> 5 2280 70.75%
13. TERRY ROATI <3:640/1321> 4 2964 58.70%
Kees van Eeten <2:280/5003.4> 4 2450 31.71%
15. Vince Coen <2:250/1> 3 14058
A total of 31 people were identified (senders and recipients).
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of original content per message (of people who have written at least three messages)
Place Name Orig. / Msgs = PrMsg Quoted
1. Vince Coen <2:250/1> 14058 / 3 = 4686
2. Henri Derksen <2:280/1208> 10786 / 11 = 980 36.42%
3. mark lewis <1:3634/12.73> 5182 / 6 = 863 22.99%
4. Holger Granholm <2:20/228> 6248 / 11 = 568 32.43%
5. Kees van Eeten <2:280/5003.4> 1673 / 4 = 418 31.71%
6. Paul Quinn <3:640/1384.125> 2583 / 7 = 369 36.54%
7. Ward Dossche <2:292/854.1> 3585 / 11 = 325 28.56%
8. TERRY ROATI <3:640/1321> 1224 / 4 = 306 58.70%
9. David Drummond <3:640/305> 1546 / 6 = 257 60.51%
10. Wilfred van Velzen <2:280/464> 1930 / 8 = 241 47.12%
11. Joe Martin <1:104/57> 670 / 3 = 223 69.45%
12. Paul Hayton <3:770/100> 2168 / 10 = 216 51.27%
13. Rudi Timmermans <2:292/140> 1247 / 6 = 207 34.81%
14. Fabio Bizzi <2:335/364.1> 1172 / 6 = 195 47.84%
15. Zazz <1:124/5014> 565 / 3 = 188 65.29%
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of nets
Place Zone:Net Messages Bytes
1. 2:280 24 23272
2. 3:640 17 10949
2:292 17 6931
4. 2:20 11 9247
5. 3:770 10 4449
6. 1:229 6 2184
2:335 6 2247
1:3634 6 6729
9. 2:221 5 2280
10. 2:250 3 14058
1:104 3 2193
1:124 3 1628
13. 2:203 2 707
1:153 2 1043
1:227 2 889
Messages from 22 different nets were found.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of receivers
Place Name Rcvd Sent Ratio
1. Ward Dossche 13 11 118%
2. Paul Hayton 12 10 120%
3. All 11 0
Wilfred van Velzen 11 8 137%
5. Holger Granholm 9 11 81%
Henri Derksen 9 11 81%
7. Nick Andre 8 6 133%
8. Fabio Bizzi 7 6 116%
9. David Drummond 6 6 100%
10. TERRY ROATI 5 4 125%
Rudi Timmermans 5 6 83%
Paul Quinn 5 7 71%
13. andrew clarke 3 1 300%
mark lewis 3 6 50%
15. Alan Ianson 2 2 100%
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of subjects
Place Subject Msgs Bytes
1. 3:770/1 31 12663
2. The history of R29 and MOB listings 19 10644
3. The history of R29. 13 14387
4. Frontdoor systems 12 7186
5. TimeZone question. 11 16565
6. Leviathan's Reef & Punchline 5 2542
DEC 5 1909
8. The history of R29 and MOB listings. 4 2316
9. Stats 3 14058
Power outage - Saturday 29 June 2019 3 2345
AS400 3 1791
Front systemstems 3 1373
FMail 3 1161
14. A question to all the 2 1855
Non existing domains in the nodelist 2 1296
A total of 21 subjects were identified.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of programs
Place Program Msgs
1. Mystic 16
2. GED+LNX 14
GoldED+/LNX 14
4. FM 11
PCBoard 11
6. D'Bridge 10
7. JamNNTPd/Linux 9
8. BBBS/Li6 8
9. Renegade 6
10. Platinum 4
11. ViaMAIL! 3
Synchronet 3
Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android 2
JamNNTPd/Win32 2
A total of 23 different programs (not counting different versions) were identified.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Postings per weekday
Day Msgs
Monday 19 ******************************************
Tuesday 22 ************************************************
Wednesday 13 ****************************
Thursday 17 *************************************
Friday 8 *****************
Saturday 19 ******************************************
Sunday 27 ************************************************************
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Postings per hour
Hour Msgs
0000-0059 1 ***
0100-0159 7 ************************
0600-0659 2 *******
0700-0759 3 **********
0800-0859 5 *****************
0900-0959 16 ******************************************************** 1000-1059 6 *********************
1100-1159 17 ************************************************************ 1200-1259 12 ******************************************
1300-1359 5 *****************
1400-1459 6 *********************
1500-1559 6 *********************
1600-1659 6 *********************
1700-1759 7 ************************
1800-1859 8 ****************************
1900-1959 4 **************
2000-2059 3 **********
2100-2159 5 *****************
2200-2259 3 **********
2300-2359 3 **********
--- MBSE BBS v1.0.7.12 (GNU/Linux-x86_64)
* Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)