• Stats

    From Vince Coen@2:250/1 to All on Fri Mar 1 00:00:22 2019
    Turquoise SuperStat 3.1 * Message area statistics =================================================

    (c) Copyright 1998-2008 Peter Krefting

    This report covers 50 messages that were received at this system between 2019-02-01 00:00:23 and 2019-02-27 05:48:04 and written between 2019-02-01 00:00:23 and 2019-02-27 00:40:56.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blacklist of quoters (of people who have written at least three messages)

    Place Name Msgs Ratio
    1. Tony Langdon <3:633/410> 6 56.84%
    2. Holger Granholm <2:20/228> 4 50.66%
    3. Tommi Koivula <2:221/0> 3 40.90%
    4. Wilfred van Velzen <2:280/464> 3 38.42%
    5. Bj?Felten <2:203/2> 3 34.65%
    6. Michiel van der Vlist <2:280/5555> 4 30.46%
    7. Bj�rn Felten <2:203/2> 11 24.14%

    A total of 30196 bytes were written (message bodies only), of which 8484, or 28.10%, were quotes.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of writers

    Place Name Msgs Bytes Quoted
    1. Bj�rn Felten <2:203/2> 11 4238 24.14%
    2. Tony Langdon <3:633/410> 6 4384 56.84%
    3. Holger Granholm <2:20/228> 4 2422 50.66%
    Michiel van der Vlist <2:280/5555> 4 1740 30.46%
    5. Tommi Koivula <2:221/0> 3 1110 40.90%
    Wilfred van Velzen <2:280/464> 3 976 38.42%
    Bj?Felten <2:203/2> 3 456 34.65%
    8. mark lewis <1:3634/12.73> 2 1248 15.95%
    Andrew Leary <1:320/219> 2 564 33.51%
    Ward Dossche <2:292/854> 2 366 59.02%
    11. Vince Coen <2:250/1> 1 8128
    Janis Kracht <1:261/38> 1 973 68.55%
    Marc Lewis <1:396/45> 1 753
    Paul Hayton <3:770/100> 1 642
    Kurt Weiske <1:218/700> 1 568 45.25%

    A total of 24 people were identified (senders and recipients).

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of original content per message (of people who have written at least three messages)

    Place Name Orig. / Msgs = PrMsg Quoted
    1. Tony Langdon <3:633/410> 1892 / 6 = 315 56.84%
    2. Michiel van der Vlist <2:280/5555> 1210 / 4 = 302 30.46%
    3. Holger Granholm <2:20/228> 1195 / 4 = 298 50.66%
    4. Bj�rn Felten <2:203/2> 3215 / 11 = 292 24.14%
    5. Tommi Koivula <2:221/0> 656 / 3 = 218 40.90%
    6. Wilfred van Velzen <2:280/464> 601 / 3 = 200 38.42%
    7. Bj?Felten <2:203/2> 298 / 3 = 99 34.65%

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of nets

    Place Zone:Net Messages Bytes
    1. 2:203 14 4694
    2. 2:280 7 2716
    3:633 7 4743
    4. 2:20 4 2422
    5. 2:221 3 1110
    6. 2:292 2 366
    1:320 2 564
    1:3634 2 1248
    9. 2:250 1 8128
    1:103 1 535
    1:229 1 136
    1:218 1 568
    1:153 1 277
    3:770 1 642
    1:261 1 973

    Messages from 17 different nets were found.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of receivers

    Place Name Rcvd Sent Ratio
    1. Bj�rn Felten 8 11 72%
    2. All 7 0
    3. Tony Langdon 5 6 83%
    4. Tommi Koivula 4 3 133%
    Michiel van der Vlist 4 4 100%
    6. Marc Lewis 3 1 300%
    Wilfred van Velzen 3 3 100%
    8. Bj�rn Felten 2 0
    Alan Ianson 2 1 200%
    Paul Hayton 2 1 200%
    Bj?Felten 2 3 66%
    12. Bjrn Felten 1 0
    Roger Nelson 1 0
    Deon George 1 1 100%
    Rob Swindell 1 1 100%

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of subjects

    Place Subject Msgs Bytes
    1. 2:203/0 down March 21st 23 10872
    2. Allen Prunty's system down 12 3513
    3. Mike Luther. 4 3155
    4. A dam is broken 3 1497
    Nodelist Flag 3 1346
    6. Bill McGarrity system down 2 841
    7. Stats 1 8128
    Busy until Feb 6th 1 700
    Internet use in Sweden 1 144

    A total of 9 subjects were identified.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of programs

    Place Program Msgs
    1. JamNNTPd/Win32 14
    2. SBBSecho 6
    3. GED+LNX 5
    4. GoldED+/W32-MSVC 4
    PCBoard 4
    6. GoldED+/LNX 3
    7. D'Bridge 2
    BBBS/Li6 2
    JamNNTPd/OS2 2
    Mystic 2
    11. MBSE-FIDO 1
    MultiMail/XT 1
    Synchronet 1
    Renegade 1
    SmapiNNTPd/Linux/IPv6 1

    A total of 16 different programs (not counting different versions) were identified.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Postings per weekday

    Day Msgs
    Tuesday 21 ************************************************************ Wednesday 12 **********************************
    Thursday 2 *****
    Friday 7 ********************
    Saturday 1 **
    Sunday 7 ********************

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Postings per hour

    Hour Msgs
    0000-0059 2 ***************
    0200-0259 2 ***************
    0400-0459 1 *******
    0600-0659 1 *******
    0700-0759 1 *******
    0800-0859 1 *******
    0900-0959 1 *******
    1000-1059 2 ***************
    1100-1159 4 ******************************
    1200-1259 1 *******
    1300-1359 2 ***************
    1400-1459 3 **********************
    1500-1559 8 ************************************************************ 1600-1659 2 ***************
    1700-1759 4 ******************************
    1800-1859 5 *************************************
    1900-1959 3 **********************
    2100-2159 2 ***************
    2300-2359 5 *************************************


    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.7.11 (GNU/Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From Vince Coen@2:250/1 to All on Sun Mar 31 23:59:04 2019
    Turquoise SuperStat 3.1 * Message area statistics =================================================

    (c) Copyright 1998-2008 Peter Krefting

    This report covers 51 messages that were received at this system between 2019-03-01 00:00:22 and 2019-03-30 22:02:41 and written between 2019-03-01 00:00:22 and 2019-03-31 08:09:00.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blacklist of quoters (of people who have written at least three messages)

    Place Name Msgs Ratio
    1. Carol Shenkenberger <1:275/100> 4 74.46%
    2. Ward Dossche <2:292/854> 5 60.27%
    3. Dan Clough <1:123/115> 7 58.03%
    4. Bj�rn Felten <2:203/2> 6 48.47%
    5. Tony Langdon <3:633/410> 12 42.93%
    6. Kurt Weiske <1:218/700> 6 36.67%

    A total of 47592 bytes were written (message bodies only), of which 17098, or 35.93%, were quotes.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of writers

    Place Name Msgs Bytes Quoted
    1. Tony Langdon <3:633/410> 12 12378 42.93%
    2. Dan Clough <1:123/115> 7 7067 58.03%
    3. Bj�rn Felten <2:203/2> 6 3590 48.47%
    Kurt Weiske <1:218/700> 6 3425 36.67%
    5. Ward Dossche <2:292/854> 5 1125 60.27%
    6. Carol Shenkenberger <1:275/100> 4 2987 74.46%
    7. Tommi Koivula <[email protected]> 2 1177 56.41%
    David Drummond <3:640/305> 2 521 43.38%
    9. Vince Coen <2:250/1> 1 8104
    Nodelist Police Deputy <2:280/5555> 1 4650
    Michiel van der Vlist <2:280/5555> 1 831 54.15%
    Nick Andre <1:229/426> 1 757 42.80%
    Nodelist Police <2:280/464> 1 388
    Bj?Felten <2:203/2> 1 309 22.65%
    Holger Granholm <2:20/228> 1 283 18.02%

    A total of 18 people were identified (senders and recipients).

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of original content per message (of people who have written at least three messages)

    Place Name Orig. / Msgs = PrMsg Quoted
    1. Tony Langdon <3:633/410> 7064 / 12 = 588 42.93%
    2. Dan Clough <1:123/115> 2966 / 7 = 423 58.03%
    3. Kurt Weiske <1:218/700> 2169 / 6 = 361 36.67%
    4. Bj�rn Felten <2:203/2> 1850 / 6 = 308 48.47%
    5. Carol Shenkenberger <1:275/100> 763 / 4 = 190 74.46%
    6. Ward Dossche <2:292/854> 447 / 5 = 89 60.27%

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of nets

    Place Zone:Net Messages Bytes
    1. 3:633 12 12378
    2. 2:203 7 3899
    1:123 7 7067
    4. 1:218 6 3425
    5. 2:292 5 1125
    6. 1:275 4 2987
    7. 2:280 3 5869
    8. 2:221 2 1177
    3:640 2 521
    10. 2:250 1 8104
    1:229 1 757
    2:20 1 283

    Messages from 12 different nets were found.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of receivers

    Place Name Rcvd Sent Ratio
    1. Bj�rn Felten 10 6 166%
    Dan Clough 10 7 142%
    3. Tony Langdon 9 12 75%
    4. Kurt Weiske 8 6 133%
    5. All 3 0
    Carol Shenkenberger 3 4 75%
    Ward Dossche 3 5 60%
    8. Bjrn Felten 1 0
    Bj�rn Felten 1 0
    Nodelist Police 1 1 100%
    Holger Granholm 1 1 100%
    Tommi Koivula 1 2 50%
    13. Vince Coen 0 1 0%
    Nick Andre 0 1 0%
    Michiel van der Vlist 0 1 0%

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of subjects

    Place Subject Msgs Bytes
    1. Imperial vs. metric 40 29011
    2. 2:203/0 today 6 3162
    3. New net 2 1145
    4. Stats 1 8104
    Nlcheck report 1 4650
    2:203/0 tomorrow 1 1520

    A total of 6 subjects were identified.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of programs

    Place Program Msgs
    1. Synchronet 17
    2. SBBSecho 12
    3. JamNNTPd/Win32 7
    4. D'Bridge 5
    5. JamNNTPd/Linux 2
    6. MBSE-FIDO 1
    GED+LNX 1
    FTools-W32 1
    GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1
    JamNNTPd/OS2 1
    Renegade 1
    PCBoard 1
    SmapiNNTPd/Linux-Pi/IPv6 1

    A total of 13 different programs (not counting different versions) were identified.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Postings per weekday

    Day Msgs
    Tuesday 9 *****************************************
    Wednesday 13 ************************************************************ Thursday 10 **********************************************
    Friday 11 **************************************************
    Saturday 6 ***************************
    Sunday 2 *********

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Postings per hour

    Hour Msgs
    0000-0059 1 *******
    0600-0659 2 ***************
    0700-0759 7 ****************************************************
    0800-0859 8 ************************************************************ 0900-0959 7 ****************************************************
    1000-1059 8 ************************************************************ 1200-1259 4 ******************************
    1300-1359 2 ***************
    1400-1459 3 **********************
    1500-1559 3 **********************
    1800-1859 2 ***************
    2000-2059 4 ******************************


    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.7.12 (GNU/Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From Vince Coen@2:250/1 to All on Fri May 31 23:59:02 2019
    Turquoise SuperStat 3.1 * Message area statistics =================================================

    (c) Copyright 1998-2008 Peter Krefting

    This report covers 48 messages that were received at this system between 2019-05-13 12:44:49 and 2019-05-31 12:35:07 and written between 2019-05-13 13:19:47 and 2019-05-31 13:19:05.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blacklist of quoters (of people who have written at least three messages)

    Place Name Msgs Ratio
    1. Ward Dossche <2:292/854> 5 49.67%
    2. Kees van Eeten <2:280/5003.4> 6 48.60%
    3. Michiel van der Vlist <2:280/5555> 10 41.17%
    4. Nick Andre <1:229/426> 3 34.24%
    5. Bj�rn Felten <2:203/2> 15 30.98%
    6. Henri Derksen <2:280/1208> 3 29.76%

    A total of 37027 bytes were written (message bodies only), of which 14175, or 38.28%, were quotes.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of writers

    Place Name Msgs Bytes Quoted
    1. Bj�rn Felten <2:203/2> 15 7320 30.98%
    2. Michiel van der Vlist <2:280/5555> 10 8184 41.17%
    3. Kees van Eeten <2:280/5003.4> 6 6405 48.60%
    4. Ward Dossche <2:292/854> 5 1657 49.67%
    5. Henri Derksen <2:280/1208> 3 7057 29.76%
    Nick Andre <1:229/426> 3 2021 34.24%
    7. Tony Langdon <3:633/410> 2 1230 60.65%
    Dan Clough <1:123/115> 2 896 64.17%
    9. Joe Martin <1:104/57> 1 1282 28.39%
    Holger Granholm <2:20/228> 1 975 12.82%

    A total of 12 people were identified (senders and recipients).

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of original content per message (of people who have written at least three messages)

    Place Name Orig. / Msgs = PrMsg Quoted
    1. Henri Derksen <2:280/1208> 4957 / 3 = 1652 29.76%
    2. Kees van Eeten <2:280/5003.4> 3292 / 6 = 548 48.60%
    3. Michiel van der Vlist <2:280/5555> 4815 / 10 = 481 41.17%
    4. Nick Andre <1:229/426> 1329 / 3 = 443 34.24%
    5. Bj�rn Felten <2:203/2> 5052 / 15 = 336 30.98%
    6. Ward Dossche <2:292/854> 834 / 5 = 166 49.67%

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of nets

    Place Zone:Net Messages Bytes
    1. 2:280 19 21646
    2. 2:203 15 7320
    3. 2:292 5 1657
    4. 1:229 3 2021
    5. 1:123 2 896
    3:633 2 1230
    7. 1:104 1 1282
    2:20 1 975

    Messages from 8 different nets were found.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of receivers

    Place Name Rcvd Sent Ratio
    1. Bj�rn Felten 19 15 126%
    2. Michiel van der Vlist 8 10 80%
    3. Kees van Eeten 5 6 83%
    4. All 3 0
    Nick Andre 3 3 100%
    Ward Dossche 3 5 60%
    7. Joe Martin 2 1 200%
    Dan Clough 2 2 100%
    9. Bjrn Felten 1 0
    Tony Langdon 1 2 50%
    Henri Derksen 1 3 33%
    12. Holger Granholm 0 1 0%

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of subjects

    Place Subject Msgs Bytes
    1. A question to all the nodelist clerks 24 17302
    2. Kees van Eeten and IPv4 6 3861
    A question to all the nodelist clerk 6 3138
    4. The history of R29. 4 2490
    The history of R29 4 1951
    6. A question to all the 2 2257
    7. A question to all the NodeList clercks. 1 4409
    A question to all the nodelist clerks. 1 1619

    A total of 8 subjects were identified.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of programs

    Place Program Msgs
    1. JamNNTPd/Win32 15
    2. GoldED+/W32-MSVC 9
    3. GoldED+/LNX 5
    D'Bridge 5
    5. FM 3
    Renegade 3
    7. SBBSecho 2
    Synchronet 2
    9. ATED+win 1
    GoldED-NSF/LNX 1
    PCBoard 1
    ViaMAIL! 1

    A total of 12 different programs (not counting different versions) were identified.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Postings per weekday

    Day Msgs
    Monday 11 **********************
    Tuesday 29 ************************************************************ Wednesday 2 ****
    Thursday 3 ******
    Friday 3 ******

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Postings per hour

    Hour Msgs
    0400-0459 1 **********
    0800-0859 1 **********
    0900-0959 2 ********************
    1000-1059 1 **********
    1100-1159 2 ********************
    1200-1259 5 **************************************************
    1300-1359 6 ************************************************************ 1400-1459 4 ****************************************
    1500-1559 3 ******************************
    1600-1659 4 ****************************************
    1700-1759 2 ********************
    1800-1859 3 ******************************
    1900-1959 6 ************************************************************ 2000-2059 2 ********************
    2100-2159 3 ******************************
    2200-2259 2 ********************
    2300-2359 1 **********


    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.7.12 (GNU/Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From Vince Coen@2:250/1 to All on Sat Jun 1 11:31:08 2019
    Turquoise SuperStat 3.1 * Message area statistics =================================================

    (c) Copyright 1998-2008 Peter Krefting

    This report covers 48 messages that were received at this system between 2019-05-13 12:44:49 and 2019-05-31 12:35:07 and written between 2019-05-13 13:19:47 and 2019-05-31 13:19:05.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blacklist of quoters (of people who have written at least three messages)

    Place Name Msgs Ratio
    1. Ward Dossche <2:292/854> 5 49.67%
    2. Kees van Eeten <2:280/5003.4> 6 48.60%
    3. Michiel van der Vlist <2:280/5555> 10 41.17%
    4. Nick Andre <1:229/426> 3 34.24%
    5. Bj�rn Felten <2:203/2> 15 30.98%
    6. Henri Derksen <2:280/1208> 3 29.76%

    A total of 37027 bytes were written (message bodies only), of which 14175, or 38.28%, were quotes.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of writers

    Place Name Msgs Bytes Quoted
    1. Bj�rn Felten <2:203/2> 15 7320 30.98%
    2. Michiel van der Vlist <2:280/5555> 10 8184 41.17%
    3. Kees van Eeten <2:280/5003.4> 6 6405 48.60%
    4. Ward Dossche <2:292/854> 5 1657 49.67%
    5. Henri Derksen <2:280/1208> 3 7057 29.76%
    Nick Andre <1:229/426> 3 2021 34.24%
    7. Tony Langdon <3:633/410> 2 1230 60.65%
    Dan Clough <1:123/115> 2 896 64.17%
    9. Joe Martin <1:104/57> 1 1282 28.39%
    Holger Granholm <2:20/228> 1 975 12.82%

    A total of 12 people were identified (senders and recipients).

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of original content per message (of people who have written at least three messages)

    Place Name Orig. / Msgs = PrMsg Quoted
    1. Henri Derksen <2:280/1208> 4957 / 3 = 1652 29.76%
    2. Kees van Eeten <2:280/5003.4> 3292 / 6 = 548 48.60%
    3. Michiel van der Vlist <2:280/5555> 4815 / 10 = 481 41.17%
    4. Nick Andre <1:229/426> 1329 / 3 = 443 34.24%
    5. Bj�rn Felten <2:203/2> 5052 / 15 = 336 30.98%
    6. Ward Dossche <2:292/854> 834 / 5 = 166 49.67%

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of nets

    Place Zone:Net Messages Bytes
    1. 2:280 19 21646
    2. 2:203 15 7320
    3. 2:292 5 1657
    4. 1:229 3 2021
    5. 1:123 2 896
    3:633 2 1230
    7. 1:104 1 1282
    2:20 1 975

    Messages from 8 different nets were found.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of receivers

    Place Name Rcvd Sent Ratio
    1. Bj�rn Felten 19 15 126%
    2. Michiel van der Vlist 8 10 80%
    3. Kees van Eeten 5 6 83%
    4. All 3 0
    Nick Andre 3 3 100%
    Ward Dossche 3 5 60%
    7. Joe Martin 2 1 200%
    Dan Clough 2 2 100%
    9. Bjrn Felten 1 0
    Tony Langdon 1 2 50%
    Henri Derksen 1 3 33%
    12. Holger Granholm 0 1 0%

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of subjects

    Place Subject Msgs Bytes
    1. A question to all the nodelist clerks 24 17302
    2. Kees van Eeten and IPv4 6 3861
    A question to all the nodelist clerk 6 3138
    4. The history of R29. 4 2490
    The history of R29 4 1951
    6. A question to all the 2 2257
    7. A question to all the NodeList clercks. 1 4409
    A question to all the nodelist clerks. 1 1619

    A total of 8 subjects were identified.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of programs

    Place Program Msgs
    1. JamNNTPd/Win32 15
    2. GoldED+/W32-MSVC 9
    3. GoldED+/LNX 5
    D'Bridge 5
    5. FM 3
    Renegade 3
    7. SBBSecho 2
    Synchronet 2
    9. ATED+win 1
    GoldED-NSF/LNX 1
    PCBoard 1
    ViaMAIL! 1

    A total of 12 different programs (not counting different versions) were identified.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Postings per weekday

    Day Msgs
    Monday 11 **********************
    Tuesday 29 ************************************************************ Wednesday 2 ****
    Thursday 3 ******
    Friday 3 ******

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Postings per hour

    Hour Msgs
    0400-0459 1 **********
    0800-0859 1 **********
    0900-0959 2 ********************
    1000-1059 1 **********
    1100-1159 2 ********************
    1200-1259 5 **************************************************
    1300-1359 6 ************************************************************ 1400-1459 4 ****************************************
    1500-1559 3 ******************************
    1600-1659 4 ****************************************
    1700-1759 2 ********************
    1800-1859 3 ******************************
    1900-1959 6 ************************************************************ 2000-2059 2 ********************
    2100-2159 3 ******************************
    2200-2259 2 ********************
    2300-2359 1 **********


    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.7.12 (GNU/Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From Vince Coen@2:250/1 to All on Sun Jun 30 23:59:02 2019
    Turquoise SuperStat 3.1 * Message area statistics =================================================

    (c) Copyright 1998-2008 Peter Krefting

    This report covers 125 messages that were received at this system between 2019-06-01 00:00:02 and 2019-06-30 01:12:33 and written between 2019-05-31 10:19:00 and 2019-06-30 09:58:15.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blacklist of quoters (of people who have written at least three messages)

    Place Name Msgs Ratio
    1. Tommi Koivula <[email protected]> 5 70.75%
    2. Joe Martin <1:104/57> 3 69.45%
    3. Zazz <1:124/5014> 3 65.29%
    4. David Drummond <3:640/305> 6 60.51%
    5. TERRY ROATI <3:640/1321> 4 58.70%
    6. Paul Hayton <3:770/100> 10 51.27%
    7. Nick Andre <1:229/426> 6 48.95%
    8. Fabio Bizzi <2:335/364.1> 6 47.84%
    9. Wilfred van Velzen <2:280/464> 8 47.12%
    10. Paul Quinn <3:640/1384.125> 7 36.54%
    11. Henri Derksen <2:280/1208> 11 36.42%
    12. Rudi Timmermans <2:292/140> 6 34.81%
    13. Holger Granholm <2:20/228> 11 32.43%
    14. Kees van Eeten <2:280/5003.4> 4 31.71%
    15. Ward Dossche <2:292/854.1> 11 28.56%

    A total of 96080 bytes were written (message bodies only), of which 33501, or 34.87%, were quotes.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of writers

    Place Name Msgs Bytes Quoted
    1. Henri Derksen <2:280/1208> 11 16965 36.42%
    Holger Granholm <2:20/228> 11 9247 32.43%
    Ward Dossche <2:292/854.1> 11 5018 28.56%
    4. Paul Hayton <3:770/100> 10 4449 51.27%
    5. Wilfred van Velzen <2:280/464> 8 3650 47.12%
    6. Paul Quinn <3:640/1384.125> 7 4070 36.54%
    7. mark lewis <1:3634/12.73> 6 6729 22.99%
    David Drummond <3:640/305> 6 3915 60.51%
    Fabio Bizzi <2:335/364.1> 6 2247 47.84%
    Nick Andre <1:229/426> 6 2184 48.95%
    Rudi Timmermans <2:292/140> 6 1913 34.81%
    12. Tommi Koivula <[email protected]> 5 2280 70.75%
    13. TERRY ROATI <3:640/1321> 4 2964 58.70%
    Kees van Eeten <2:280/5003.4> 4 2450 31.71%
    15. Vince Coen <2:250/1> 3 14058

    A total of 31 people were identified (senders and recipients).

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of original content per message (of people who have written at least three messages)

    Place Name Orig. / Msgs = PrMsg Quoted
    1. Vince Coen <2:250/1> 14058 / 3 = 4686
    2. Henri Derksen <2:280/1208> 10786 / 11 = 980 36.42%
    3. mark lewis <1:3634/12.73> 5182 / 6 = 863 22.99%
    4. Holger Granholm <2:20/228> 6248 / 11 = 568 32.43%
    5. Kees van Eeten <2:280/5003.4> 1673 / 4 = 418 31.71%
    6. Paul Quinn <3:640/1384.125> 2583 / 7 = 369 36.54%
    7. Ward Dossche <2:292/854.1> 3585 / 11 = 325 28.56%
    8. TERRY ROATI <3:640/1321> 1224 / 4 = 306 58.70%
    9. David Drummond <3:640/305> 1546 / 6 = 257 60.51%
    10. Wilfred van Velzen <2:280/464> 1930 / 8 = 241 47.12%
    11. Joe Martin <1:104/57> 670 / 3 = 223 69.45%
    12. Paul Hayton <3:770/100> 2168 / 10 = 216 51.27%
    13. Rudi Timmermans <2:292/140> 1247 / 6 = 207 34.81%
    14. Fabio Bizzi <2:335/364.1> 1172 / 6 = 195 47.84%
    15. Zazz <1:124/5014> 565 / 3 = 188 65.29%

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of nets

    Place Zone:Net Messages Bytes
    1. 2:280 24 23272
    2. 3:640 17 10949
    2:292 17 6931
    4. 2:20 11 9247
    5. 3:770 10 4449
    6. 1:229 6 2184
    2:335 6 2247
    1:3634 6 6729
    9. 2:221 5 2280
    10. 2:250 3 14058
    1:104 3 2193
    1:124 3 1628
    13. 2:203 2 707
    1:153 2 1043
    1:227 2 889

    Messages from 22 different nets were found.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of receivers

    Place Name Rcvd Sent Ratio
    1. Ward Dossche 13 11 118%
    2. Paul Hayton 12 10 120%
    3. All 11 0
    Wilfred van Velzen 11 8 137%
    5. Holger Granholm 9 11 81%
    Henri Derksen 9 11 81%
    7. Nick Andre 8 6 133%
    8. Fabio Bizzi 7 6 116%
    9. David Drummond 6 6 100%
    10. TERRY ROATI 5 4 125%
    Rudi Timmermans 5 6 83%
    Paul Quinn 5 7 71%
    13. andrew clarke 3 1 300%
    mark lewis 3 6 50%
    15. Alan Ianson 2 2 100%

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of subjects

    Place Subject Msgs Bytes
    1. 3:770/1 31 12663
    2. The history of R29 and MOB listings 19 10644
    3. The history of R29. 13 14387
    4. Frontdoor systems 12 7186
    5. TimeZone question. 11 16565
    6. Leviathan's Reef & Punchline 5 2542
    DEC 5 1909
    8. The history of R29 and MOB listings. 4 2316
    9. Stats 3 14058
    Power outage - Saturday 29 June 2019 3 2345
    AS400 3 1791
    Front systemstems 3 1373
    FMail 3 1161
    14. A question to all the 2 1855
    Non existing domains in the nodelist 2 1296

    A total of 21 subjects were identified.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of programs

    Place Program Msgs
    1. Mystic 16
    2. GED+LNX 14
    GoldED+/LNX 14
    4. FM 11
    PCBoard 11
    6. D'Bridge 10
    7. JamNNTPd/Linux 9
    8. BBBS/Li6 8
    9. Renegade 6
    10. Platinum 4
    11. ViaMAIL! 3
    Synchronet 3
    13. MBSE-FIDO 2
    Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android 2
    JamNNTPd/Win32 2

    A total of 23 different programs (not counting different versions) were identified.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Postings per weekday

    Day Msgs
    Monday 19 ******************************************
    Tuesday 22 ************************************************
    Wednesday 13 ****************************
    Thursday 17 *************************************
    Friday 8 *****************
    Saturday 19 ******************************************
    Sunday 27 ************************************************************

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Postings per hour

    Hour Msgs
    0000-0059 1 ***
    0100-0159 7 ************************
    0600-0659 2 *******
    0700-0759 3 **********
    0800-0859 5 *****************
    0900-0959 16 ******************************************************** 1000-1059 6 *********************
    1100-1159 17 ************************************************************ 1200-1259 12 ******************************************
    1300-1359 5 *****************
    1400-1459 6 *********************
    1500-1559 6 *********************
    1600-1659 6 *********************
    1700-1759 7 ************************
    1800-1859 8 ****************************
    1900-1959 4 **************
    2000-2059 3 **********
    2100-2159 5 *****************
    2200-2259 3 **********
    2300-2359 3 **********


    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.7.12 (GNU/Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From Vince Coen@2:250/1 to All on Wed Jul 31 23:59:02 2019
    Turquoise SuperStat 3.1 * Message area statistics =================================================

    (c) Copyright 1998-2008 Peter Krefting

    This report covers 89 messages that were received at this system between 2019-07-01 00:00:02 and 2019-07-29 05:59:25 and written between 2019-07-01 00:00:02 and 2019-07-28 12:03:00.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blacklist of quoters (of people who have written at least three messages)

    Place Name Msgs Ratio
    1. TERRY ROATI <3:640/1321> 12 64.89%
    2. Tony Langdon <3:633/410> 8 59.75%
    3. Dan Clough <1:123/115> 6 51.16%
    4. Bj�rn Felten <2:203/2> 6 49.76%
    5. Frank Linhares <1:229/101> 3 48.04%
    6. Bj?Felten <2:203/2> 4 42.51%
    7. Holger Granholm <2:20/228> 9 42.11%
    8. Paul Quinn <3:640/1384.125> 6 41.56%
    9. Janis Kracht <1:261/38> 7 39.44%
    10. mark lewis <1:3634/12.73> 6 36.94%
    11. Fabio Bizzi <2:335/364.3> 7 35.36%
    12. Nick Andre <1:229/426> 6 25.90%

    A total of 70219 bytes were written (message bodies only), of which 27754, or 39.52%, were quotes.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of writers

    Place Name Msgs Bytes Quoted
    1. TERRY ROATI <3:640/1321> 12 11794 64.89%
    2. Holger Granholm <2:20/228> 9 5538 42.11%
    3. Tony Langdon <3:633/410> 8 3950 59.75%
    4. Fabio Bizzi <2:335/364.3> 7 6921 35.36%
    Janis Kracht <1:261/38> 7 4863 39.44%
    6. Nick Andre <1:229/426> 6 4437 25.90%
    Dan Clough <1:123/115> 6 4087 51.16%
    mark lewis <1:3634/12.73> 6 3812 36.94%
    Paul Quinn <3:640/1384.125> 6 3508 41.56%
    Bj�rn Felten <2:203/2> 6 2251 49.76%
    11. Bj?Felten <2:203/2> 4 1529 42.51%
    12. Frank Linhares <1:229/101> 3 1201 48.04%
    13. Vince Coen <2:250/1> 1 10066
    Eric Renfro <1:135/371> 1 1394 31.21%
    Nigel Reed <1:124/5016> 1 948 72.89%

    A total of 24 people were identified (senders and recipients).

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of original content per message (of people who have written at least three messages)

    Place Name Orig. / Msgs = PrMsg Quoted
    1. Fabio Bizzi <2:335/364.3> 4474 / 7 = 639 35.36%
    2. Nick Andre <1:229/426> 3288 / 6 = 548 25.90%
    3. Janis Kracht <1:261/38> 2945 / 7 = 420 39.44%
    4. mark lewis <1:3634/12.73> 2404 / 6 = 400 36.94%
    5. Holger Granholm <2:20/228> 3206 / 9 = 356 42.11%
    6. TERRY ROATI <3:640/1321> 4141 / 12 = 345 64.89%
    7. Paul Quinn <3:640/1384.125> 2050 / 6 = 341 41.56%
    8. Dan Clough <1:123/115> 1996 / 6 = 332 51.16%
    9. Bj?Felten <2:203/2> 879 / 4 = 219 42.51%
    10. Frank Linhares <1:229/101> 624 / 3 = 208 48.04%
    11. Tony Langdon <3:633/410> 1590 / 8 = 198 59.75%
    12. Bj�rn Felten <2:203/2> 1131 / 6 = 188 49.76%

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of nets

    Place Zone:Net Messages Bytes
    1. 3:640 18 15302
    2. 2:203 10 3780
    3. 2:20 9 5538
    1:229 9 5638
    5. 3:633 8 3950
    6. 1:261 7 4863
    2:335 7 6921
    8. 1:123 6 4087
    1:3634 6 3812
    10. 1:124 2 1290
    11. 2:250 1 10066
    1:153 1 760
    1:135 1 1394
    3:770 1 501
    1:317 1 540

    Messages from 17 different nets were found.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of receivers

    Place Name Rcvd Sent Ratio
    1. Holger Granholm 12 9 133%
    2. TERRY ROATI 10 12 83%
    3. Bj�rn Felten 7 6 116%
    Paul Quinn 7 6 116%
    Fabio Bizzi 7 7 100%
    6. Dan Clough 6 6 100%
    Nick Andre 6 6 100%
    Tony Langdon 6 8 75%
    9. All 5 0
    10. mark lewis 4 6 66%
    Janis Kracht 4 7 57%
    12. Frank Linhares 3 3 100%
    13. Bj�rn Felten 2 0
    Alan Ianson 2 1 200%
    Bj?Felten 2 4 50%

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of subjects

    Place Subject Msgs Bytes
    1. Alias / Real names 77 53072
    2. Ben Ritchey... :( 7 3935
    3. Those "nasa" files... 3 2755
    4. Stats 1 10066
    echobase.zip... 1 391

    A total of 5 subjects were identified.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of programs

    Place Program Msgs
    1. Platinum 12
    2. JamNNTPd/Win32 10
    3. Synchronet 9
    PCBoard 9
    5. SBBSecho 8
    6. BBBS/Li6 7
    GoldED+/LNX 7
    8. GED+LNX 6
    Mystic 6
    Renegade 6
    11. JamNNTPd/Linux 4
    12. Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android 3
    13. MBSE-FIDO 1
    WL 1

    A total of 14 different programs (not counting different versions) were identified.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Postings per weekday

    Day Msgs
    Monday 5 ************
    Tuesday 9 *********************
    Wednesday 9 *********************
    Thursday 25 ************************************************************ Friday 21 **************************************************
    Saturday 14 *********************************
    Sunday 6 **************

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Postings per hour

    Hour Msgs
    0000-0059 3 ******************
    0100-0159 1 ******
    0300-0359 1 ******
    0700-0759 5 ******************************
    0800-0859 7 ******************************************
    0900-0959 6 ************************************
    1000-1059 5 ******************************
    1100-1159 3 ******************
    1200-1259 4 ************************
    1300-1359 3 ******************
    1400-1459 8 ************************************************
    1500-1559 5 ******************************
    1600-1659 2 ************
    1700-1759 3 ******************
    1800-1859 3 ******************
    1900-1959 9 ****************************************************** 2000-2059 10 ************************************************************ 2100-2159 7 ******************************************
    2200-2259 4 ************************


    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.7.12 (GNU/Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From Fabio Bizzi@2:335/364.1 to Vince Coen on Thu Aug 1 08:37:16 2019
    Hello Vince!

    Wow I'm in the top ten for the first time!
    What I won? :P

    Ciao. :)

    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: ]\/[imac Rebirth Boss Point (2:335/364.1)
  • From Vince Coen@2:250/1 to All on Sat Aug 31 23:59:30 2019
    Turquoise SuperStat 3.1 * Message area statistics =================================================

    (c) Copyright 1998-2008 Peter Krefting

    This report covers 10 messages that were received at this system between 2019-08-01 00:00:02 and 2019-08-16 13:25:12 and written between 2019-08-01 00:00:02 and 2019-08-16 13:54:22.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blacklist of quoters (of people who have written at least three messages)

    Place Name Msgs Ratio
    1. Fabio Bizzi <2:335/364.1> 3 22.44%

    A total of 11725 bytes were written (message bodies only), of which 601, or 5.13%, were quotes.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of writers

    Place Name Msgs Bytes Quoted
    1. Fabio Bizzi <2:335/364.1> 3 361 22.44%
    2. Ward Dossche <2:292/854> 2 961 23.00%
    3. Vince Coen <2:250/1> 1 8805
    Dale Shipp <1:261/1466> 1 657 33.33%
    Zazz <1:124/5014> 1 545
    Bj�rn Felten <2:203/2> 1 239
    Tommi Koivula <2:221/6.0> 1 157 50.96%

    A total of 8 people were identified (senders and recipients).

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of original content per message (of people who have written at least three messages)

    Place Name Orig. / Msgs = PrMsg Quoted
    1. Fabio Bizzi <2:335/364.1> 280 / 3 = 93 22.44%

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of nets

    Place Zone:Net Messages Bytes
    1. 2:335 3 361
    2. 2:292 2 961
    3. 2:250 1 8805
    1:124 1 545
    2:203 1 239
    2:221 1 157
    1:261 1 657

    Messages from 7 different nets were found.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of receivers

    Place Name Rcvd Sent Ratio
    1. All 5 0
    2. Vince Coen 1 1 100%
    Dale Shipp 1 1 100%
    Tommi Koivula 1 1 100%
    Ward Dossche 1 2 50%
    Fabio Bizzi 1 3 33%
    7. Bj�rn Felten 0 1 0%
    Zazz 0 1 0%

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of subjects

    Place Subject Msgs Bytes
    1. Some numbers 3 1618
    Feriae Augusti 3 437
    3. Stats 2 8886
    4. Kenny Gardener, GAP Development 1 545
    The Second Amendment 1 239

    A total of 5 subjects were identified.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of programs

    Place Program Msgs
    1. GoldED+/LNX 2
    D'Bridge 2
    3. MBSE-FIDO 1
    JamNNTPd/Win32 1
    Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android 1
    Maximus/NT 1
    Mystic 1
    SmapiNNTPd/Linux/IPv6 1

    A total of 8 different programs (not counting different versions) were identified.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Postings per weekday

    Day Msgs
    Monday 1 ***************
    Tuesday 3 *********************************************
    Thursday 4 ************************************************************ Friday 1 ***************
    Sunday 1 ***************

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Postings per hour

    Hour Msgs
    0000-0059 1 ******************************
    0300-0359 1 ******************************
    0800-0859 1 ******************************
    0900-0959 1 ******************************
    1000-1059 2 ************************************************************ 1300-1359 1 ******************************
    1600-1659 1 ******************************
    1700-1759 1 ******************************
    2000-2059 1 ******************************


    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.7.12 (GNU/Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From Vince Coen@2:250/1 to All on Mon Sep 30 23:59:24 2019
    Turquoise SuperStat 3.1 * Message area statistics =================================================

    (c) Copyright 1998-2008 Peter Krefting

    This report covers 228 messages that were received at this system between 2019-09-01 00:00:31 and 2019-09-30 10:00:11 and written between 2019-08-31 19:13:55 and 2019-09-30 09:54:10.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blacklist of quoters (of people who have written at least three messages)

    Place Name Msgs Ratio
    1. Alan Ianson <1:153/757> 11 62.55%
    2. Dan Clough <1:123/115> 9 59.10%
    3. Janis Kracht <1:261/38> 5 58.89%
    4. Wilfred van Velzen <2:280/464> 6 57.55%
    5. Tony Langdon <3:633/410> 7 54.82%
    6. David Drummond <3:640/305> 14 54.41%
    7. Kurt Weiske <1:218/700> 8 47.79%
    8. Andrew Leary <1:320/219> 3 45.10%
    9. Simon Geddes <1:103/705> 14 44.19%
    10. Flavio Bessa <4:801/189.1> 6 43.08%
    11. Nick Andre <1:229/426> 17 41.79%
    12. Fabio Bizzi <2:335/364.1> 19 41.74%
    13. Michiel van der Vlist <2:280/5555> 3 41.52%
    14. Shane O'Neill <1:305/3> 6 40.31%
    15. Paul Quinn <3:640/1384.125> 9 40.15%

    A total of 165365 bytes were written (message bodies only), of which 66770, or 40.38%, were quotes.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of writers

    Place Name Msgs Bytes Quoted
    1. Ward Dossche <2:292/854> 36 18937 35.38%
    2. mark lewis <1:3634/12.73> 26 36721 29.62%
    3. Fabio Bizzi <2:335/364.1> 19 8855 41.74%
    4. Nick Andre <1:229/426> 17 12303 41.79%
    5. Terry Roati <3:640/1321> 16 9121 24.15%
    6. Simon Geddes <1:103/705> 14 11200 44.19%
    David Drummond <3:640/305> 14 7996 54.41%
    8. Alan Ianson <1:153/757> 11 6483 62.55%
    9. Dan Clough <1:123/115> 9 8799 59.10%
    Paul Quinn <3:640/1384.125> 9 5165 40.15%
    11. Kurt Weiske <1:218/700> 8 4043 47.79%
    12. Tony Langdon <3:633/410> 7 6591 54.82%
    13. Wilfred van Velzen <2:280/464> 6 4243 57.55%
    Shane O'Neill <1:305/3> 6 3054 40.31%
    Flavio Bessa <4:801/189.1> 6 2356 43.08%

    A total of 31 people were identified (senders and recipients).

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of original content per message (of people who have written at least three messages)

    Place Name Orig. / Msgs = PrMsg Quoted
    1. mark lewis <1:3634/12.73> 25843 / 26 = 993 29.62%
    2. Simon Geddes <1:103/705> 6251 / 14 = 446 44.19%
    3. Terry Roati <3:640/1321> 6918 / 16 = 432 24.15%
    4. Tony Langdon <3:633/410> 2978 / 7 = 425 54.82%
    5. Nick Andre <1:229/426> 7161 / 17 = 421 41.79%
    6. Dan Clough <1:123/115> 3599 / 9 = 399 59.10%
    7. Paul Quinn <3:640/1384.125> 3091 / 9 = 343 40.15%
    8. Ward Dossche <2:292/854> 12237 / 36 = 339 35.38%
    9. Michiel van der Vlist <2:280/5555> 990 / 3 = 330 41.52%
    10. Shane O'Neill <1:305/3> 1823 / 6 = 303 40.31%
    11. Wilfred van Velzen <2:280/464> 1801 / 6 = 300 57.55%
    12. Andrew Leary <1:320/219> 857 / 3 = 285 45.10%
    13. Janis Kracht <1:261/38> 1362 / 5 = 272 58.89%
    14. Fabio Bizzi <2:335/364.1> 5159 / 19 = 271 41.74%
    15. Kurt Weiske <1:218/700> 2111 / 8 = 263 47.79%

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of nets

    Place Zone:Net Messages Bytes
    1. 3:640 39 22282
    2. 2:292 36 18937
    3. 1:3634 26 36721
    4. 1:229 19 13603
    2:335 19 8855
    6. 1:103 16 12688
    7. 1:153 11 6483
    8. 2:280 10 6279
    9. 1:123 9 8799
    10. 1:218 8 4043
    11. 1:261 7 5628
    3:633 7 6591
    13. 1:305 6 3054
    4:801 6 2356
    15. 1:320 3 1561

    Messages from 21 different nets were found.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of receivers

    Place Name Rcvd Sent Ratio
    1. Ward Dossche 45 36 125%
    2. Fabio Bizzi 23 19 121%
    3. mark lewis 21 26 80%
    4. David Drummond 17 14 121%
    5. Nick Andre 14 17 82%
    6. Terry Roati 11 16 68%
    7. Kurt Weiske 9 8 112%
    Alan Ianson 9 11 81%
    9. Paul Quinn 8 9 88%
    10. All 7 0
    Michiel van der Vlist 7 3 233%
    Dan Clough 7 9 77%
    Simon Geddes 7 14 50%
    14. Janis Kracht 6 5 120%
    15. Andrew Leary 5 3 166%

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of subjects

    Place Subject Msgs Bytes
    1. Alias / Real names 53 26479
    2. Trolls 50 40750
    3. ZCC 45 38580
    4. Facebook and Raccoons 24 18896
    5. fidonet.ozzmosis.com 22 10290
    6. Sysop echoes 21 18081
    7. Zone 4 Nodelist 4 2157
    8. Kenny Gardener, GAP Development 2 1843
    Pineapple Revenge 2 1222
    Fidoweb and NAB 2 697
    11. Stats 1 4999
    Moderators 1 1197
    Email Please 1 174

    A total of 13 subjects were identified.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of programs

    Place Program Msgs
    1. Synchronet 38
    2. D'Bridge 36
    3. GED+LNX 26
    4. JamNNTPd/Linux 19
    5. GoldED+/LNX 17
    Renegade 17
    Platinum 17
    8. BBBS/Li6 16
    9. Mystic 11
    10. Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android 10
    11. SBBSecho 8
    12. GED-NSFOSX 6
    13. GoldED+/W32-MSVC 3
    14. Maximus/NT 2
    15. MBSE-FIDO 1

    A total of 16 different programs (not counting different versions) were identified.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Postings per weekday

    Day Msgs
    Monday 28 **********************************
    Tuesday 49 ************************************************************ Wednesday 40 ************************************************
    Thursday 48 ********************************************************** Friday 24 *****************************
    Saturday 9 ***********
    Sunday 30 ************************************

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Postings per hour

    Hour Msgs
    0000-0059 3 ********
    0100-0159 1 **
    0200-0259 2 *****
    0300-0359 2 *****
    0400-0459 2 *****
    0500-0559 5 *************
    0600-0659 6 ****************
    0700-0759 12 ********************************
    0800-0859 22 ************************************************************ 0900-0959 16 *******************************************
    1000-1059 17 **********************************************
    1100-1159 14 **************************************
    1200-1259 6 ****************
    1300-1359 6 ****************
    1400-1459 14 **************************************
    1500-1559 14 **************************************
    1600-1659 13 ***********************************
    1700-1759 10 ***************************
    1800-1859 10 ***************************
    1900-1959 4 **********
    2000-2059 13 ***********************************
    2100-2159 17 **********************************************
    2200-2259 10 ***************************
    2300-2359 9 ************************


    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.7.12A (GNU/Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From Vince Coen@2:250/1 to All on Fri Nov 1 00:00:26 2019
    Turquoise SuperStat 3.1 * Message area statistics =================================================

    (c) Copyright 1998-2008 Peter Krefting

    This report covers 211 messages that were received at this system between 2019-10-01 00:00:25 and 2019-10-31 23:37:31 and written between 2019-10-01 00:00:25 and 2019-11-01 09:19:06.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blacklist of quoters (of people who have written at least three messages)

    Place Name Msgs Ratio
    1. David Drummond <3:640/305> 37 65.55%
    2. Oliver Thuns <2:280/464.47> 5 64.66%
    3. Dan Clough <1:123/115> 7 62.50%
    4. Tommi Koivula <2:221/0.1> 10 62.39%
    5. Wilfred van Velzen <2:280/464> 5 58.00%
    6. Kurt Weiske <1:218/700> 6 57.02%
    7. Alan Ianson <1:153/757> 6 48.67%
    8. Ward Dossche <2:292/854> 11 47.88%
    9. Michiel van der Vlist <2:280/5555> 17 46.63%
    10. Dale Shipp <1:261/1466> 7 46.25%
    11. Paul Quinn <3:640/1384> 11 37.29%
    12. mark lewis <1:3634/12.73> 8 37.15%
    13. Terry Roati <3:640/1321> 3 35.75%
    14. Fabio Bizzi <2:335/364.3> 30 34.67%
    15. Nick Andre <1:229/426> 9 27.30%

    A total of 147691 bytes were written (message bodies only), of which 62618, or 42.40%, were quotes.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of writers

    Place Name Msgs Bytes Quoted
    1. David Drummond <3:640/305> 37 28821 65.55%
    2. Fabio Bizzi <2:335/364.3> 30 21984 34.67%
    3. Michiel van der Vlist <2:280/5555> 17 11905 46.63%
    4. Lee Lofaso <2:221/360> 11 12559 22.13%
    Paul Quinn <3:640/1384> 11 4822 37.29%
    Ward Dossche <2:292/854> 11 3271 47.88%
    7. Tommi Koivula <2:221/0.1> 10 5185 62.39%
    8. Nick Andre <1:229/426> 9 7116 27.30%
    9. mark lewis <1:3634/12.73> 8 8040 37.15%
    10. Dan Clough <1:123/115> 7 6082 62.50%
    Dale Shipp <1:261/1466> 7 4986 46.25%
    12. Alan Ianson <1:153/757> 6 2679 48.67%
    Kurt Weiske <1:218/700> 6 2015 57.02%
    14. Wilfred van Velzen <2:280/464> 5 3967 58.00%
    Oliver Thuns <2:280/464.47> 5 1624 64.66%

    A total of 36 people were identified (senders and recipients).

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of original content per message (of people who have written at least three messages)

    Place Name Orig. / Msgs = PrMsg Quoted
    1. Vince Coen <2:250/1> 11123 / 3 = 3707 2.97%
    2. Lee Lofaso <2:221/360> 9780 / 11 = 889 22.13%
    3. mark lewis <1:3634/12.73> 5053 / 8 = 631 37.15%
    4. Nick Andre <1:229/426> 5173 / 9 = 574 27.30%
    5. Fabio Bizzi <2:335/364.3> 14362 / 30 = 478 34.67%
    6. Dale Shipp <1:261/1466> 2680 / 7 = 382 46.25%
    7. Michiel van der Vlist <2:280/5555> 6354 / 17 = 373 46.63%
    8. Wilfred van Velzen <2:280/464> 1666 / 5 = 333 58.00%
    9. Dan Clough <1:123/115> 2281 / 7 = 325 62.50%
    10. Paul Quinn <3:640/1384> 3024 / 11 = 274 37.29%
    11. David Drummond <3:640/305> 9928 / 37 = 268 65.55%
    12. Bj�rn Felten <2:203/2> 1245 / 5 = 249 15.76%
    13. Terry Roati <3:640/1321> 701 / 3 = 233 35.75%
    14. Alan Ianson <1:153/757> 1375 / 6 = 229 48.67%
    15. Tommi Koivula <2:221/0.1> 1950 / 10 = 195 62.39%

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of nets

    Place Zone:Net Messages Bytes
    1. 3:640 50 34206
    2. 2:335 30 21984
    3. 2:280 29 18881
    4. 2:221 16 12751
    5. 1:229 13 8490
    6. 2:203 12 7151
    7. 2:292 11 3271
    8. 1:3634 8 8040
    9. 1:123 7 6082
    1:261 7 4986
    11. 1:218 6 2015
    1:153 6 2679
    13. 2:250 3 11463
    1:103 3 1300
    15. 2:20 2 797

    Messages from 20 different nets were found.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of receivers

    Place Name Rcvd Sent Ratio
    1. David Drummond 29 37 78%
    2. Fabio Bizzi 26 30 86%
    3. Michiel van der Vlist 14 17 82%
    4. All 13 0
    5. Tommi Koivula 11 10 110%
    Ward Dossche 11 11 100%
    7. Bj�rn Felten 9 5 180%
    8. Dan Clough 8 7 114%
    Lee Lofaso 8 11 72%
    10. Alan Ianson 7 6 116%
    Kurt Weiske 7 6 116%
    Nick Andre 7 9 77%
    Paul Quinn 7 11 63%
    14. Dale Shipp 6 7 85%
    15. Bjrn Felten 5 0

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of subjects

    Place Subject Msgs Bytes
    1. Reminder to Sysops 60 42846
    2. Unwanted echo messag 36 34677 36 19088
    4. Unwanted echo message 24 10967
    5. Da Rulz 15 5631
    6. hello? 8 4222
    7. Echopolicy 5 2671
    8. Email Please 4 2425
    9. Cyberbullying 3 3141
    Unwanted echo messages 3 2895
    Languages 3 2002
    Sad 3 822
    Happy Unification Day! 3 555
    14. PCBOARD.SYS File 2 769
    15. Stats 1 10174

    A total of 20 subjects were identified.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of programs

    Place Program Msgs
    1. JamNNTPd/Linux 38
    2. GoldED+/LNX 36
    3. Synchronet 20
    4. GoldED+/W32-MSVC 17
    5. JamNNTPd/Win32 12
    6. D'Bridge 11
    Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android 11
    8. GED+LNX 10
    9. Renegade 9
    10. Maximus/NT 7
    Pineapple/OS2 7
    12. BBBS/Li6 6
    13. Mystic 4
    14. Platinum 3
    15. Mageia 2

    A total of 23 different programs (not counting different versions) were identified.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Postings per weekday

    Day Msgs
    Monday 9 **********
    Tuesday 25 ******************************
    Wednesday 50 ************************************************************ Thursday 49 ********************************************************** Friday 45 ******************************************************
    Saturday 17 ********************
    Sunday 16 *******************

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Postings per hour

    Hour Msgs
    0000-0059 7 **************
    0100-0159 5 **********
    0200-0259 5 **********
    0300-0359 1 **
    0400-0459 1 **
    0600-0659 3 ******
    0700-0759 10 ********************
    0800-0859 29 ************************************************************ 0900-0959 6 ************
    1000-1059 14 ****************************
    1100-1159 12 ************************
    1200-1259 13 **************************
    1300-1359 9 ******************
    1400-1459 9 ******************
    1500-1559 11 **********************
    1600-1659 9 ******************
    1700-1759 12 ************************
    1800-1859 8 ****************
    1900-1959 15 *******************************
    2000-2059 9 ******************
    2100-2159 6 ************
    2200-2259 8 ****************
    2300-2359 9 ******************


    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.7.12A (GNU/Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From Vince Coen@2:250/1 to All on Sun Dec 1 00:00:02 2019
    Turquoise SuperStat 3.1 * Message area statistics =================================================

    (c) Copyright 1998-2008 Peter Krefting

    This report covers 46 messages that were received at this system between 2019-11-01 00:00:27 and 2019-11-26 16:24:58 and written between 2019-10-31 19:49:00 and 2019-11-26 16:36:37.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blacklist of quoters (of people who have written at least three messages)

    Place Name Msgs Ratio
    1. Joe Martin <1:104/57> 5 73.33%
    2. Carol Shenkenberger <1:275/100> 10 71.33%
    3. Ward Dossche <2:292/854> 4 50.28%
    4. Michiel van der Vlist <2:280/5555> 3 50.22%
    5. Paul Quinn <3:640/1384> 4 38.65%
    6. Fabio Bizzi <2:335/364.1> 5 20.14%
    7. Nick Andre <1:229/426> 5 17.31%

    A total of 43362 bytes were written (message bodies only), of which 18414, or 42.47%, were quotes.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of writers

    Place Name Msgs Bytes Quoted
    1. Carol Shenkenberger <1:275/100> 10 13485 71.33%
    2. Joe Martin <1:104/57> 5 6820 73.33%
    Nick Andre <1:229/426> 5 4737 17.31%
    Fabio Bizzi <2:335/364.1> 5 1251 20.14%
    5. Paul Quinn <3:640/1384> 4 1260 38.65%
    Ward Dossche <2:292/854> 4 706 50.28%
    7. Michiel van der Vlist <2:280/5555> 3 1561 50.22%
    8. Mickey <1:249/307.1> 2 688 40.55%
    David Drummond <3:640/305> 2 677 57.61%
    10. Vince Coen <2:250/1> 1 10093
    ED KOON <1:123/140> 1 836
    Alan Ianson <1:153/757> 1 495 37.37%
    Wilfred van Velzen <2:280/464> 1 308 28.25%
    Terry Roati <3:640/1321> 1 250 12.00%
    Strahinja Bojovic <2:382/147.0> 1 195 64.10%

    A total of 19 people were identified (senders and recipients).

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of original content per message (of people who have written at least three messages)

    Place Name Orig. / Msgs = PrMsg Quoted
    1. Nick Andre <1:229/426> 3917 / 5 = 783 17.31%
    2. Carol Shenkenberger <1:275/100> 3866 / 10 = 386 71.33%
    3. Joe Martin <1:104/57> 1819 / 5 = 363 73.33%
    4. Michiel van der Vlist <2:280/5555> 777 / 3 = 259 50.22%
    5. Fabio Bizzi <2:335/364.1> 999 / 5 = 199 20.14%
    6. Paul Quinn <3:640/1384> 773 / 4 = 193 38.65%
    7. Ward Dossche <2:292/854> 351 / 4 = 87 50.28%

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of nets

    Place Zone:Net Messages Bytes
    1. 1:275 10 13485
    2. 3:640 7 2187
    3. 1:229 5 4737
    1:104 5 6820
    2:335 5 1251
    6. 2:292 4 706
    2:280 4 1869
    8. 1:249 2 688
    9. 2:250 1 10093
    1:153 1 495
    1:123 1 836
    2:382 1 195

    Messages from 12 different nets were found.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of receivers

    Place Name Rcvd Sent Ratio
    1. Joe Martin 6 5 120%
    Fabio Bizzi 6 5 120%
    3. Paul Quinn 5 4 125%
    4. All 4 0
    Ward Dossche 4 4 100%
    Nick Andre 4 5 80%
    7. David Drummond 3 2 150%
    Mickey 3 2 150%
    Michiel van der Vlist 3 3 100%
    10. mark lewis 2 0
    Carol Shenkenberger 2 10 20%
    12. Flavio Bessa 1 0
    Kurt Weiske 1 0
    Strahinja Bojovic 1 1 100%
    Wilfred van Velzen 1 1 100%

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of subjects

    Place Subject Msgs Bytes
    1. PCBOARD.SYS File 11 11970
    2. Another place 10 3152
    3. Ripe has run out of ipv4 addresses 9 2845
    4. ZCC 8 10169
    5. Unwanted echo messag 3 2064
    6. Stats 1 10093
    Zone 4 Nodelist 1 1184
    Encryption 1 836
    Gout and diet 1 618
    fidonet.ozzmosis.com 1 431

    A total of 10 subjects were identified.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of programs

    Place Program Msgs
    1. Synchronet 10
    2. GoldED+/LNX 6
    3. Renegade 5
    ViaMAIL! 5
    5. D'Bridge 4
    6. JamNNTPd/Linux 3
    GoldED+/W32-MSVC 3
    8. CNet 2
    Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android 2
    Platinum 2
    11. MBSE-FIDO 1
    GED+LNX 1
    MagickaBBS/QWK 1

    A total of 14 different programs (not counting different versions) were identified.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Postings per weekday

    Day Msgs
    Monday 10 *********************************
    Tuesday 18 ************************************************************ Wednesday 3 **********
    Thursday 1 ***
    Friday 4 *************
    Saturday 4 *************
    Sunday 6 ********************

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Postings per hour

    Hour Msgs
    0000-0059 1 ********
    0100-0159 2 *****************
    0300-0359 1 ********
    0500-0559 1 ********
    0600-0659 1 ********
    0700-0759 1 ********
    0800-0859 6 ***************************************************
    0900-0959 3 *************************
    1100-1159 1 ********
    1200-1259 3 *************************
    1300-1359 1 ********
    1400-1459 1 ********
    1500-1559 1 ********
    1600-1659 3 *************************
    1700-1759 5 ******************************************
    1800-1859 3 *************************
    1900-1959 7 ************************************************************ 2000-2059 3 *************************
    2200-2259 2 *****************


    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.7.13 (GNU/Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From Vince Coen@2:250/1 to All on Sat Feb 1 00:00:28 2020
    Turquoise SuperStat 3.1 * Message area statistics =================================================

    (c) Copyright 1998-2008 Peter Krefting

    This report covers 59 messages that were received at this system between 2020-01-14 04:49:13 and 2020-01-28 22:06:03 and written between 2020-01-14 15:33:39 and 2020-01-28 20:55:25.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blacklist of quoters (of people who have written at least three messages)

    Place Name Msgs Ratio
    1. Petros Argyrakis <2:410/9> 3 66.42%
    2. David Drummond <3:640/305> 5 59.36%
    3. Tony Langdon <3:633/410> 9 56.44%
    4. Nick Andre <1:229/426> 5 55.30%
    5. Ward Dossche <2:292/854> 14 55.00%
    6. Paul Hayton <3:770/100> 4 33.25%
    7. Gerrit Kuehn <2:240/12> 5 29.41%
    8. Henri Derksen <2:280/1208.1> 4 21.54%

    A total of 30138 bytes were written (message bodies only), of which 14156, or 46.97%, were quotes.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of writers

    Place Name Msgs Bytes Quoted
    1. Ward Dossche <2:292/854> 14 4909 55.00%
    2. Tony Langdon <3:633/410> 9 6813 56.44%
    3. David Drummond <3:640/305> 5 3268 59.36%
    Gerrit Kuehn <2:240/12> 5 3128 29.41%
    Nick Andre <1:229/426> 5 1839 55.30%
    6. Henri Derksen <2:280/1208.1> 4 2846 21.54%
    Paul Hayton <3:770/100> 4 1546 33.25%
    8. Petros Argyrakis <2:410/9> 3 950 66.42%
    9. Paul Quinn <3:640/1384.125> 2 937 30.63%
    Nick Mackechnie <3:772/210> 2 448 69.64%
    11. Dallas Vinson <1:123/257> 1 923 21.24%
    Terry Roati <3:640/1321> 1 745 67.11%
    Dan Clough <1:123/115> 1 604 56.46%
    Janis Kracht <1:261/38> 1 551
    Kurt Weiske <1:218/700> 1 364 39.56%

    A total of 17 people were identified (senders and recipients).

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of original content per message (of people who have written at least three messages)

    Place Name Orig. / Msgs = PrMsg Quoted
    1. Henri Derksen <2:280/1208.1> 2233 / 4 = 558 21.54%
    2. Gerrit Kuehn <2:240/12> 2208 / 5 = 441 29.41%
    3. Tony Langdon <3:633/410> 2968 / 9 = 329 56.44%
    4. David Drummond <3:640/305> 1328 / 5 = 265 59.36%
    5. Paul Hayton <3:770/100> 1032 / 4 = 258 33.25%
    6. Nick Andre <1:229/426> 822 / 5 = 164 55.30%
    7. Ward Dossche <2:292/854> 2209 / 14 = 157 55.00%
    8. Petros Argyrakis <2:410/9> 319 / 3 = 106 66.42%

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of nets

    Place Zone:Net Messages Bytes
    1. 2:292 14 4909
    2. 3:633 9 6813
    3. 3:640 8 4950
    4. 1:229 5 1839
    2:240 5 3128
    6. 3:770 4 1546
    2:280 4 2846
    8. 2:410 3 950
    9. 1:123 2 1527
    3:772 2 448
    11. 1:261 1 551
    1:218 1 364
    2:221 1 267

    Messages from 13 different nets were found.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of receivers

    Place Name Rcvd Sent Ratio
    1. Ward Dossche 21 14 150%
    2. Tony Langdon 6 9 66%
    3. Paul Hayton 5 4 125%
    4. Kurt Weiske 4 1 400%
    David Drummond 4 5 80%
    6. All 3 0
    Paul Quinn 3 2 150%
    Gerrit Kuehn 3 5 60%
    Nick Andre 3 5 60%
    10. Nick Mackechnie 2 2 100%
    Henri Derksen 2 4 50%
    12. Janis Kracht 1 1 100%
    Dan Clough 1 1 100%
    Petros Argyrakis 1 3 33%
    15. Dallas Vinson 0 1 0%

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of subjects

    Place Subject Msgs Bytes
    1. 3:770/1 48 22209
    2. 3:770/1. 3 3531
    3. Anything But 2 1566
    down time this evening... 2 1201
    DO IT, Was: 3:770/1. 2 713
    6. Planned Outage 1 651
    3:770/100 1 267

    A total of 7 subjects were identified.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of programs

    Place Program Msgs
    1. D'Bridge 17
    2. Synchronet 12
    3. JamNNTPd/Linux 7
    4. Msged/BSD 5
    Renegade 5
    6. Mystic 4
    WL 4
    8. SLMAIL 2
    9. BBBS/Li6 1
    Platinum 1

    A total of 10 different programs (not counting different versions) were identified.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Postings per weekday

    Day Msgs
    Monday 12 ************************************************************ Tuesday 11 ******************************************************* Wednesday 7 ***********************************
    Thursday 5 *************************
    Friday 6 ******************************
    Saturday 8 ****************************************
    Sunday 10 **************************************************

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Postings per hour

    Hour Msgs
    0000-0059 1 **********
    0200-0259 3 ******************************
    0300-0359 1 **********
    0800-0859 3 ******************************
    0900-0959 4 ****************************************
    1000-1059 4 ****************************************
    1100-1159 3 ******************************
    1200-1259 3 ******************************
    1300-1359 2 ********************
    1400-1459 3 ******************************
    1500-1559 2 ********************
    1600-1659 6 ************************************************************ 1800-1859 2 ********************
    1900-1959 3 ******************************
    2000-2059 6 ************************************************************ 2100-2159 6 ************************************************************ 2200-2259 4 ****************************************
    2300-2359 3 ******************************


    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.7.13 (GNU/Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From Vince Coen@2:250/1 to All on Sun Mar 1 00:00:30 2020
    Turquoise SuperStat 3.1 * Message area statistics =================================================

    (c) Copyright 1998-2008 Peter Krefting

    This report covers 19 messages that were received at this system between 2020-02-01 00:00:29 and 2020-02-22 09:11:07 and written between 2020-01-17 09:41:52 and 2020-02-22 09:46:59.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blacklist of quoters (of people who have written at least three messages)

    Place Name Msgs Ratio
    1. MARC LEWIS <1:396/45> 5 33.91%

    A total of 17259 bytes were written (message bodies only), of which 3887, or 22.52%, were quotes.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of writers

    Place Name Msgs Bytes Quoted
    1. MARC LEWIS <1:396/45> 5 2359 33.91%
    2. Janis Kracht <1:261/38> 2 1854 50.81%
    Jeff Smith <1:282/1031> 2 1178 27.42%
    Nigel Reed <1:124/5016> 2 813 90.90%
    Mike Powell <1:2320/105> 2 556 53.96%
    6. Vince Coen <2:250/1> 1 8212
    Dallas Vinson <1:123/257> 1 572
    Michiel van der Vlist <2:280/5555> 1 530 29.81%
    mark lewis <1:3634/12> 1 525 54.67%
    Wilfred van Velzen <2:280/464> 1 383 46.21%
    Ward Dossche <2:292/854> 1 277 58.12%

    A total of 12 people were identified (senders and recipients).

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of original content per message (of people who have written at least three messages)

    Place Name Orig. / Msgs = PrMsg Quoted
    1. MARC LEWIS <1:396/45> 1559 / 5 = 311 33.91%

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of nets

    Place Zone:Net Messages Bytes
    1. 1:396 5 2359
    2. 1:124 2 813
    1:282 2 1178
    1:261 2 1854
    2:280 2 913
    1:2320 2 556
    7. 2:250 1 8212
    1:123 1 572
    2:292 1 277
    1:3634 1 525

    Messages from 10 different nets were found.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of receivers

    Place Name Rcvd Sent Ratio
    1. MARC LEWIS 6 5 120%
    2. All 3 0
    3. mark lewis 2 1 200%
    Jeff Smith 2 2 100%
    Mike Powell 2 2 100%
    6. Dallas Vinson 1 1 100%
    Wilfred van Velzen 1 1 100%
    Janis Kracht 1 2 50%
    Nigel Reed 1 2 50%
    10. Vince Coen 0 1 0%
    Michiel van der Vlist 0 1 0%
    Ward Dossche 0 1 0%

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of subjects

    Place Subject Msgs Bytes
    1. Message from Marc Lewis 7 3174
    2. System back! 4 1720
    3. down time this evening... 2 2145
    vinyl resting place 2 908
    Message from Marc Lew 2 570
    6. Stats 1 8212
    The justificaton for RINs and ZINs 1 530

    A total of 7 subjects were identified.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of programs

    Place Program Msgs
    1. Synchronet 6
    2. timEd/2 5
    3. BBBS/Li6 4
    4. MBSE-FIDO 1
    D'Bridge 1
    GED+LNX 1
    GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1

    A total of 7 different programs (not counting different versions) were identified.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Postings per weekday

    Day Msgs
    Monday 3 ************************************
    Tuesday 1 ************
    Wednesday 4 ************************************************
    Friday 5 ************************************************************ Saturday 3 ************************************
    Sunday 3 ************************************

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Postings per hour

    Hour Msgs
    0000-0059 1 ********************
    0100-0159 1 ********************
    0700-0759 1 ********************
    0900-0959 3 ************************************************************ 1000-1059 2 ****************************************
    1200-1259 2 ****************************************
    1300-1359 1 ********************
    1400-1459 2 ****************************************
    1500-1559 3 ************************************************************ 1600-1659 1 ********************
    1800-1859 1 ********************
    2000-2059 1 ********************


    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.7.13 (GNU/Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From Vincent Coen@2:250/1 to All on Tue Mar 31 23:59:24 2020
    Turquoise SuperStat 3.1 * Message area statistics =================================================

    (c) Copyright 1998-2008 Peter Krefting

    This report covers 19 messages that were received at this system between 2020-03-01 00:00:31 and 2020-03-31 11:31:02 and written between 2020-03-01 00:00:31 and 2020-03-31 04:54:52.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blacklist of quoters (of people who have written at least three messages)

    Place Name Msgs Ratio
    1. Jeff Smith <1:282/1031> 3 54.68%
    2. Kees van Eeten <2:280/5003.4> 5 30.48%

    A total of 15578 bytes were written (message bodies only), of which 4522, or 29.03%, were quotes.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of writers

    Place Name Msgs Bytes Quoted
    1. Kees van Eeten <2:280/5003.4> 5 3077 30.48%
    2. Jeff Smith <1:282/1031> 3 1121 54.68%
    3. Dan Clough <1:123/115> 2 2630 68.67%
    Daniel Du Vall <1:103/705> 2 781 54.16%
    Nick Andre <1:229/426> 2 463 37.15%
    6. Vince Coen <2:250/1> 1 5993
    Dallas Vinson <1:123/257> 1 603 12.44%
    Michiel van der Vlist <2:280/5555> 1 384 50.00%
    mark lewis <1:3634/12> 1 275 52.00%
    Kurt Weiske <1:218/700> 1 251 63.75%

    A total of 12 people were identified (senders and recipients).

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of original content per message (of people who have written at least three messages)

    Place Name Orig. / Msgs = PrMsg Quoted
    1. Kees van Eeten <2:280/5003.4> 2139 / 5 = 427 30.48%
    2. Jeff Smith <1:282/1031> 508 / 3 = 169 54.68%

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of nets

    Place Zone:Net Messages Bytes
    1. 2:280 6 3461
    2. 1:123 3 3233
    1:282 3 1121
    4. 1:103 2 781
    1:229 2 463
    6. 2:250 1 5993
    1:218 1 251
    1:3634 1 275

    Messages from 8 different nets were found.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of receivers

    Place Name Rcvd Sent Ratio
    1. Jeff Smith 5 3 166%
    Kees van Eeten 5 5 100%
    3. Dan Clough 3 2 150%
    4. Kurt Weiske 2 1 200%
    Daniel Du Vall 2 2 100%
    6. All 1 0
    D.L. Schmidt 1 0
    8. Vince Coen 0 1 0%
    Dallas Vinson 0 1 0%
    Michiel van der Vlist 0 1 0%
    mark lewis 0 1 0%
    Nick Andre 0 2 0%

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of subjects

    Place Subject Msgs Bytes
    1. Nodelist entry for 1:14/7 15 8201
    2. Lookin for ya 3 1384
    3. Stats 1 5993

    A total of 3 subjects were identified.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Toplist of programs

    Place Program Msgs
    1. Synchronet 7
    2. GoldED+/LNX 5
    3. Mystic 3
    4. Renegade 2
    5. MBSE-FIDO 1
    GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1

    A total of 6 different programs (not counting different versions) were identified.

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Postings per weekday

    Day Msgs
    Monday 1 *****
    Tuesday 1 *****
    Friday 2 **********
    Saturday 3 ***************
    Sunday 12 ************************************************************

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Postings per hour

    Hour Msgs
    0000-0059 1 ********************
    0400-0459 1 ********************
    0700-0759 1 ********************
    0800-0859 1 ********************
    0900-0959 2 ****************************************
    1000-1059 1 ********************
    1200-1259 1 ********************
    1400-1459 1 ********************
    1500-1559 1 ********************
    1600-1659 1 ********************
    1700-1759 1 ********************
    1800-1859 2 ****************************************
    2000-2059 3 ************************************************************ 2100-2159 1 ********************
    2300-2359 1 ********************


    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.7.13 (GNU/Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)