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ADAM'S COLUMN - ADAM PARK =================================================================
Land of Devastation Grind Guide Pt 6
Adam Park 1:134/302
Welcome to our continuing series examaning the epic door game from the
90s, Land of Devastation. Check out previous issues of Fidonews for
parts you may have missed!
Coming/published sections:
1) About
**In Issue - Volume 38 No. 20**
2) General Gameplay Guidelines
**In Issue - Volume 38 No. 21**
3) Shopping Recommendations
**In Issue - Volume 38 No. 22**
4) Stat Points
4a) Overview of Sources of Stat Points
4b) How to Distribute Stat Points for this Build
**In Issue - Volume 38 No. 23**
5) Combat Strategy
**In Issue - Volume 38 No. 24**
6) Tables
6a) Leveling Order
6b) Key Purchase Order
*We are HERE*
7) Grind Guide
7a) Zone 1
7b) Zone 2
7c) Drugs: Everything in Moderation
7d) Zone 3
7e) Zone 4
7f) Zone 5
7g) Shrine of Hercules
7h) Zone 6
7i) Endgame content
8) Supplemental Information
** And now for this week's content, it's a big one! **
6) Tables
6a) Leveling Order
Level 2: +5 dex
Level 3: +5 dex
Level 4: +3 dex, +2 agl
Level 5: +3 dex, +2 agl
Level 6: +3 dex, +2 agl (First clone)
Level 7: +2 dex, +2 hp, +1 agl
Level 8: +3 dex, +2 hp (Fountains/Tetris about here +9 dex, +5 agl)
Level 9: +3 dex, +1 hp, +1 agl
Level 10: +5 hp (Drug bonuses around here, +31 dex, +13 agl)*
Level 11: +5 hp
Level 12: +5 hp
Level 13: +5 hp
Level 14: +5 hp
Level 15: +2 dex, +1 agl, +2 hp
Level 16: +5 dex
Level 17: +5 dex
Level 18: +5 dex
Level 19: +5 dex
Level 20: +5 dex
Level 21: +5 dex
Level 22: +5 hp
Level 23: +5 hp
Level 24: +5 agl
Level 25: +5 agl
Level 26: +2 agl, +3 hp
Level 27: +5 hp
Level 28: +5 hp
Level 29: +2 hp, +3 agl
Level 30: +5 dex
Level 31: +5 dex
Level 32: +5 agl
Level 33: +2 dex, +3 agl
Level 34: +2 dex, +3 agl
Level 35: +5 hp (Shrine of Hercules +25 Strength)
Level 36: +5 dex
Level 37: +5 dex
Level 38: +5 dex
Level 39: +5 dex
Level 40: +5 dex
Level 41: +5 hp
Level 42: +5 hp
Level 43: +5 hp
Level 44: +5 dex
Level 45: +5 agl
Level 46: +5 agl
Level 47: +5 hp
Level 48: +5 hp
Level 49: +5 dex
Level 50: +5 dex
Level 51+: Focus on strength, maybe a touch more in other stats.
*Note: Please see the detailed grind guide for my results with the
drug grind; this level-by-level order has been, to some degree,
influenced by my luck there. Unless you get literally no stats from
drugs (exceptionally unlikely), you will want to raise HP for quite a
few levels after you use them, as it's the only stat you can't get
from drug use, and thus you will want to raise it for several levels
to bring things back into a proper ratio after the drug grind.
6b) Key Purchase Order (Note: Prices go up by 10% at level
10 and 25% at level 20, I will list what I pay on an average run, but
obviously you want to try to time major purchases around those
landmark levels correctly when possible).
1) $2500 - Buy razorlance
2) $5800 - Clip pistol + ammo
3) $43,000 - Comp blaster + ammo
4) $10,000 - Plasma Shield
5) $40,000 - Electrolance
6) ~$10,000 - First clone (Level 6) Continue cloning every level
7) $250,000 - Combat Phaser ($250,000) -> ACME (Coordinates: 5, 4)
8) $100,000 - Plasma Armor (Buy Recharger/1000 for $250k to
recharge it)
9) $1,020,000 - Devastator + Grenades @ ACME/Sacre Base
10) $750,000 - Fire Sabre + Vortex Cell @ EEEE
(Coordinates: 26, 39)
11) $450,000 - Fortress with teleporter
($450,000 minimum, consider SFG)
12) $2,500,000 - Try to buy this before you hit level 10 to save
$250,000. -> EEEE (Coordinates: 26, 39)
13) ~$2,000,000 - The drug grind (Drugs + clones)
14) $5,000,000 - 30% Accurize Devastator @ ACME
15) $5,000,000 - 30% Intensify Devastator @ ACME
16) $3,000,000 - 30% Intensify Fire Sabre @ ACME
17) $3,000,000 - 30% Accurize Fire Sabre @ ACME
(Somewhat optional purchase)
18) $13,500,000 - 30% Targetting Array upgrade to Phase Armor @ ACME
19) $46,870,000 - Fully upgraded Nuke-o-Matic @ EEEE*
20) $13,500,000 - 30% Servo-Augmentation Unit on Phase Armor @ ACME
21) $13,500,000 - 30% Exoskeletal Augmentation on Phase Armor @ ACME
22) $17,500,000 - 30% Intensify A-Mk II @ ACME
23) $17,500,000 - 30% Accurize A-Mk II @ ACME
24) $54,000,000 - Fully upgraded Dreamblaster: No Uni-ammo,
must use Dreamstuff
25) See section 7i) for endgame content suggestions for ridiculous
*Once you have enough for Uni-Ammo, 3-round, grenade launcher and
Accurize ona Nuke-o-Matic, it should be overall more of a combat asset
than your Devastator, even without stunner and shockwave. (And
obviously without intensify since it already does more damage). I say
Uni-Ammo is necessary because the regular ammo takes up so much
inventory space per usable piece it interferes with proper grinding
not to have it.
Stay tuned next week to start the actual grind!
--- Azure/NewsPrep 3.0
* Origin: Home of the Fidonews (2:2/2.0)