Hi, August!
03 ᥭ 20 16:27, August Abolins -> Stas Mishchenkov:
@RealName: Brother Rabbit
Not! ;)
Why is it not? Check out the nodelist. ;)
Have nice nights.
Stas Mishchenkov.
Nodelist lookup does not work for just anyone coming in from the Telegram side. Everyone would be 2:460/58.
[fido@localhost nodelist]$ grep ,5858, nodelist.367 Pvt,5858,For_Technical_Perposes,Simferopol_Crimea,Brother_Rabbit,-Unpublished-, 300,MO
Have nice nights.
Stas Mishchenkov.
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* Origin: Lame Users Breeding. Simferopol, Crimea. (2:460/5858)