Hello Stas!
** On Monday 07.09.20 - 16:14, Stas Mishchenkov wrote to Martin Foster:
Well, did it work?
Not. You put one long hyphen instead two short. It's known disservice of Telegramm applications. You should hit backspace onece end you got the
two short hyphen or type "- -" and then delte space. :(
I'm already pondering how to get around this without losing the
appearance of messages. For example, at first I used "%%%" for this and
it looked horrible.
If TgM changes the "--" to an em dash, why not try something
else like // or \\ or .. or == or that won't change to
anything else, *and* that doesn't require a shift-key.
The %%% not only looks too busy, it requires a shift-key, at
least on a US-keyboard it does.
--- OpenXP 5.0.46
* Origin: The future is not what it used to be. (2:221/1.58)