Hi Stas!
14 Oct 20 13:17, you wrote to me:
But while the message is on the TgM servers, it *can* be edited.
The reason why it can't be edited (and I don't expect it to be)
is when the robot grabs it.
You're wrong. A new message of a different type will be created, which will then be displayed in client applications instead of it.
Oh.. so after a TgM message is re-edited, the "different type" contains instructions and other things to the client apps to indicate that it's been re-edited?
I thought that a TgM message would be in a nice and neat pure-text container for your Fidobot to grab. Sounds like there is are a lot of issues to deal with in re-edited messages.
--- GoldED+/W32-MINGW 1.1.5-b20180707
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