• Hello everyone, as I have already writte

    From Pasquale Monti@2:460/58 to All on Sat Aug 22 21:10:08 2020
    Hello everyone, as I have already written in the future4fido area I see the future of trust on other media and channels.
    Without abandoning the policy that are the basis of trust, we must look beyond.
    Regarding the gateway, I am enthusiastic about what I have done.
    It would be perfect if you could format the output.
    Can we suppose to run some Italian areas as well?
    I can if you need to host the gateway on my Linux systems.
    Pasquale Monti 2:335/370

    --- tg2fido.pl
    * Origin: Telegram to fido gate by Stas Mishchenkov (2:460/58)
  • From Stas Mishchenkov@2:460/5858 to Pasquale Monti on Sun Aug 23 09:31:54 2020
    Hi, Pasquale!

    22 ��� 20 21:10, Pasquale Monti -> All:

    Regarding the gateway, I am enthusiastic about what I have done. It
    would be perfect if you could format the output. Can we suppose to run some Italian areas as well?

    Why not? What areas you suggest to gate? Where can I get that areas?

    I can if you need to host the gateway on my Linux systems. Pasquale
    Monti 2:335/370

    Thanks. Unfortunately now the portability of the code is such that in another system you will have to rewrite a lot. :(

    Have nice nights.
    Stas Mishchenkov.

    --- � �� ⮣� ���������, ���஥ �����, ��祬 ���� ������.
    * Origin: Lame Users Breeding. Simferopol, Crimea. (2:460/5858)