Like IBBS Games, Try League 10 ones
We have Intrlord, Clans, 8 Way Slots, Mega Slots, Zombie Slots, Bre, LordNet,
Tournament FreeCell, Falcon's Eye, ISA (not online yet), Arcadian Legends,
Arrowbridge I, Arrowbridge II, BlackJack, Tournament Blackjack,
Tournament WaHoo, Jewel Thief, Lady Luck, Booby Trap, Knight's Move,
Flip Flop,Poker Bandit, Tri-Bingo, Video Bandit, Hot-Dice, Kingdoms, Lore,
with more to come.
It's a qwk \ ftn league, all game packs are toss every hour
Small messages net (more can be added)
Info Packs at if you can't get there
To sign up online :
Notice : To get ahold of me
Robert E Starr JR@1:340/400 or
[email protected]
--- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
* Origin: Time Warp of the Future BBS - Home of League 10 (1:340/400)