• Re: Latest Raspi 4 32 bit, how do I give root permission to run GUI app

    From Jan Panteltje@3:770/3 to Dan Clough on Sun Jun 19 16:13:26 2022
    On a sunny day (Sun, 19 Jun 2022 08:40:00 +1200) it happened [email protected] (Dan Clough) wrote in <[email protected]>:

    Jan Panteltje wrote to All <=-

    Latest Raspi 4 32 bit,
    how do I give root permission to run GUI applications??
    Somehow those seem blocked.

    You don't want to do that.

    Don't do that.

    Wel, been root since 1998, also on older vrions for pi

    But figured things out
    I boot by default without X to a command line
    Tried some things before that in the original version with xhost+
    and now I can simply as root from the command line type
    I did write my own .xinitrc for root
    chromium now only wants to run with --no-sandbox.
    A lot of shit stuff now also is gone, like auto-mount :-)
    Needs some more attention, but now my X has 9 desktops,
    runs fvwm, xfm, 8 terminals, same as on all my other systems
    zsh as shell..
    Much much better than what the distro gives you.

    Still work in progress

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: Agency HUB, Dunedin - New Zealand | Fido<>Usenet Gateway (3:770/3)
  • From The Natural Philosopher@3:770/3 to Dan Clough on Mon Jun 20 09:26:10 2022
    On 19/06/2022 09:50, Dan Clough wrote:
    The Natural Philosopher wrote to Dan Clough <=-

    > -=> Jan Panteltje wrote to All <=-
    > JP> Latest Raspi 4 32 bit,
    > JP> how do I give root permission to run GUI applications??
    > JP> Somehow those seem blocked.

    > You don't want to do that.
    > Don't do that.

    TNP> Just set up a root login and run your windows session as root.

    I wasn't the one asking the question.

    Are you as big an idiot as he is?

    I wasn't talking to you

    I would rather have questions that cannot be answered...
    ...than to have answers that cannot be questioned

    Richard Feynman

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: Agency HUB, Dunedin - New Zealand | Fido<>Usenet Gateway (3:770/3)
  • From Ahem A Rivet's Shot@3:770/3 to Dan Clough on Mon Jun 20 10:00:22 2022
    On Sun, 19 Jun 2022 08:40:00 +1200
    [email protected] (Dan Clough) wrote:

    Jan Panteltje wrote to All <=-

    Latest Raspi 4 32 bit,
    how do I give root permission to run GUI applications??
    Somehow those seem blocked.

    You don't want to do that.

    He does, and I'm pretty sure he has a far deeper understanding of
    the implications than you do.

    Don't do that.

    Why ? What do you think is at risk ? <hint>only what's on the pi
    and anything that trusts the pi (probably nothing).

    Now if you were to say - don't trust that machine with sensitive
    data I suspect you'd find it was an unnecessary but valid warning.

    Steve O'Hara-Smith
    Odds and Ends at http://www.sohara.org/

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: Agency HUB, Dunedin - New Zealand | Fido<>Usenet Gateway (3:770/3)
  • From Dan Clough@1:123/115 to The Natural Philosopher on Mon Jun 20 07:41:00 2022
    The Natural Philosopher wrote to Dan Clough <=-

    On 19/06/2022 09:50, Dan Clough wrote:
    The Natural Philosopher wrote to Dan Clough <=-

    > -=> Jan Panteltje wrote to All <=-
    > JP> Latest Raspi 4 32 bit,
    > JP> how do I give root permission to run GUI applications??
    > JP> Somehow those seem blocked.

    > You don't want to do that.
    > Don't do that.

    TNP> Just set up a root login and run your windows session as root.

    I wasn't the one asking the question.

    Are you as big an idiot as he is?

    I wasn't talking to you

    You need to learn how to properly quote a message when you reply, then.

    You replied to me.

    ... So easy, a child could do it. Child sold separately.
    === MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.15-Linux
    * Origin: Palantir * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL * (1:123/115)
  • From Dan Clough@1:123/115 to Ahem A Rivet's Shot on Mon Jun 20 07:43:00 2022
    Ahem A Rivet's Shot wrote to Dan Clough <=-

    Latest Raspi 4 32 bit,
    how do I give root permission to run GUI applications??
    Somehow those seem blocked.

    You don't want to do that.

    He does, and I'm pretty sure he has a far deeper
    understanding of the implications than you do.

    What makes you "pretty sure" of that? How could you possibly know
    something like that? That's right....... you couldn't.

    Don't do that.

    Why ? What do you think is at risk ? <hint>only what's
    on the pi and anything that trusts the pi (probably nothing).

    Okay, so you're an idiot too. Got it.

    ... Ignorance can be cured. Stupid is forever.
    === MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.15-Linux
    * Origin: Palantir * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL * (1:123/115)
  • From Dan Clough@1:123/115 to Jan Panteltje on Mon Jun 20 07:45:00 2022
    Jan Panteltje wrote to Dan Clough <=-

    Latest Raspi 4 32 bit,
    how do I give root permission to run GUI applications??
    Somehow those seem blocked.

    You don't want to do that.
    Don't do that.

    Wel, been root since 1998, also on older vrions for pi

    But figured things out
    I boot by default without X to a command line
    Tried some things before that in the original version with xhost+
    and now I can simply as root from the command line type
    I did write my own .xinitrc for root
    chromium now only wants to run with --no-sandbox.
    A lot of shit stuff now also is gone, like auto-mount :-)
    Needs some more attention, but now my X has 9 desktops,
    runs fvwm, xfm, 8 terminals, same as on all my other systems
    zsh as shell..
    Much much better than what the distro gives you.

    You're an idiot.

    Well insults show your lack of understanding on the subject :-)

    <SNIP remaining drivel, including "website" URL that is a 404>

    More proof that you're an idiot.

    ... Ignorance can be cured. Stupid is forever.
    === MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.15-Linux
    * Origin: Palantir * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL * (1:123/115)
  • From Jan Panteltje@3:770/3 to [email protected] on Tue Jun 21 12:43:26 2022
    On a sunny day (Tue, 21 Jun 2022 12:20:56 +0200) it happened Ralph Spitzner <[email protected]> wrote in <t8s622$q0b$[email protected]>:

    Jan Panteltje wrote on 6/21/22 11:22 AM:

    The whole thing, including firefox, took about 500 MB to download for Raspberry (snap that is)
    takes about 1 GB space on the SDcard... Then runs snapd..

    Maybe I should compile firefox from source some day and run it a root..

    1. you can install firefox as a regular application ( from a debian .deb for instance)
    2 why do you need to run firefox as r00t ?


    Well apt-get install firefox did not find anything
    but via snap you can install it.
    I do notice Chromium is much faster as root
    I am always root, I am the sys adm so to speak ;-)
    I also always watch what happens to the system,
    so if something strange happens I take action.

    Why run as some user? All bullshit.

    If anything messes up the system my backup SDcard is now 2 days old..
    just swap cards
    No important info on the raspi.

    Now it works really nice:
    I automatically boot as Pi to the command line
    I have a new .xinitrc in /home/pi
    so startx starts everything as pi
    But if I type sudo su a the command line and then startx
    the same .xinitrc is in /root/
    and everything in X starts as root
    Also the config files for xfm and fvwm, so same 9 virtual desktops..
    Nice way to compare

    Something needs to change, way too long boot times,
    way to much crap running, things changed by people who do not understand Unix at all and have no clue of the hardware
    resulting in ever more bloat..

    99% of all this can be done with a few lines of code.
    (I have written all that stuff, from this Usenet newsreader to email to what not)
    Exception is webbrowsers, I gave up on that as the spec is changing ever faster,
    mainly to accommodate more advertising it seems.

    A multitasking OS is easy to write, done it in the Z80 days with just a few bytes of RAM
    I design things with simple Microchip PIC processors that are faster, zero boot times,
    more reliable, cheaper.. written in asm.
    Published plenty of those on my site
    look for download link.

    So, Do not feel like writing a new OS now, Linux does most things
    But it needs stripping down.
    Maybe.. I have an old 1998 SLS Linux on a floppy...
    Maybe it would work..... you know Xfree days,, Before ALSA... Lynx browser...

    Linux is dead?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: Agency HUB, Dunedin - New Zealand | Fido<>Usenet Gateway (3:770/3)