• Are there any classes or local groups that instruct on the use of the P

    From Aoli@3:770/3 to All on Sun Sep 25 08:48:44 2022
    Want to learn by instruction.

    Are there any classes or local groups that instruct on the use of the Pi
    in Orange County CA ?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: Agency HUB, Dunedin - New Zealand | Fido<>Usenet Gateway (3:770/3)
  • From Dennis Lee Bieber@3:770/3 to All on Sun Sep 25 14:18:56 2022
    On Sun, 25 Sep 2022 08:48:45 -0700, Aoli <[email protected]> declaimed the following:

    Want to learn by instruction.

    WHAT do you want to learn?

    The R-Pi is a Linux system on a board.

    Programming for Linux? (In general)
    Programming in C/C++ under Linux?
    Programming using Python (which was the "native" target of the R-Pi)
    System management for Linux (eg: scripting for maintenance of the OS itself)
    Web applications?
    GUI Applications?
    "Embedded" hardware (similar realm as an Arduino, Propeller, old BASIC Stamp -- but with a full OS available) -- working with the GPIO pins to
    control external hardware? Sound sensitive LED display... Quad-Copter
    (though really, the interrupt latency of Linux makes this more suited for micro-controller, not micro-computer).

    What is your current starting level? Never programmed anything? Familiar with language X? CS degree but not in embedded systems?

    Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber AF6VN
    [email protected] http://wlfraed.microdiversity.freeddns.org/

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: Agency HUB, Dunedin - New Zealand | Fido<>Usenet Gateway (3:770/3)
  • From Martin Gregorie@3:770/3 to Dennis Lee Bieber on Sun Sep 25 19:51:54 2022
    On Sun, 25 Sep 2022 14:18:56 -0400, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

    On Sun, 25 Sep 2022 08:48:45 -0700, Aoli <[email protected]> declaimed the following:

    Want to learn by instruction.

    WHAT do you want to learn?

    The R-Pi is a Linux system on a board.

    Programming for Linux? (In general)
    Programming in C/C++ under Linux?
    Programming using Python (which was the "native" target of the R-
    System management for Linux (eg: scripting for maintenance of the
    Web applications?
    GUI Applications?
    "Embedded" hardware (similar realm as an Arduino, Propeller, old
    Stamp -- but with a full OS available) -- working with the GPIO pins to control external hardware? Sound sensitive LED display... Quad-Copter
    (though really, the interrupt latency of Linux makes this more suited
    for micro-controller, not micro-computer).

    What is your current starting level? Never programmed anything? Familiar with language X? CS degree but not in embedded systems?

    All good questions.

    I'd add: Should just about be OK for learning the basics of website design
    and construction, i.e. HTML pages and writing PHP scripts.

    I don't think a Pi is suitable if you are interested in building
    databases: that really needs using fast, resilient mass storage (SATA-
    attached hard drives or solid state drives). You might just about get away
    with a Pi 4 and USB-attached devices like Western Digital Elements drives,
    but the SD cards that most RPi models use as their default mass storage
    are not at all suitable for the sort of use a decent database makes of
    mass storage.

    Tell us what you want to learn and we can provide more relevant help.


    Martin | martin at
    Gregorie | gregorie dot org

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: Agency HUB, Dunedin - New Zealand | Fido<>Usenet Gateway (3:770/3)
  • From Ahem A Rivet's Shot@3:770/3 to Dennis Lee Bieber on Sun Sep 25 21:15:40 2022
    On Sun, 25 Sep 2022 14:18:56 -0400
    Dennis Lee Bieber <[email protected]> wrote:

    The R-Pi is a Linux system on a board.

    it's an ARM based SBC which can run Linux but might instead run any
    of RiscOS, Windows IoT, FreeBSD, NetBSD, Plan 9, Inferno, BMC64 and probably several others.

    Steve O'Hara-Smith
    Odds and Ends at http://www.sohara.org/

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: Agency HUB, Dunedin - New Zealand | Fido<>Usenet Gateway (3:770/3)
  • From Vincent Coen@2:250/1 to Ahem A Rivet's Shot on Mon Sep 26 01:14:52 2022
    Hello Ahem!

    Sunday September 25 2022 21:15, you wrote to Dennis Lee Bieber:

    On Sun, 25 Sep 2022 14:18:56 -0400
    Dennis Lee Bieber <[email protected]> wrote:

    The R-Pi is a Linux system on a board.

    it's an ARM based SBC which can run Linux but might instead run
    any of RiscOS, Windows IoT, FreeBSD, NetBSD, Plan 9, Inferno, BMC64
    and probably several others.

    Don't forget IBM's MVS - although a wee bit slow :)


    --- Mageia Linux v8 X64/Mbse v1.0.8/GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From A. Dumas@3:770/3 to Dennis Lee Bieber on Mon Sep 26 00:47:56 2022
    Dennis Lee Bieber <[email protected]> wrote:
    On Sun, 25 Sep 2022 08:48:45 -0700, Aoli declaimed the following:
    Want to learn by instruction.

    WHAT do you want to learn?

    The R-Pi is a Linux system on a board.

    Programming for Linux? (In general)
    Programming in C/C++ under Linux?
    Programming using Python (which was the "native" target of the R-Pi)
    System management for Linux (eg: scripting for maintenance of the OS itself)
    Web applications?
    GUI Applications?
    "Embedded" hardware (similar realm as an Arduino, Propeller, old BASIC Stamp -- but with a full OS available) -- working with the GPIO pins to control external hardware? Sound sensitive LED display... Quad-Copter
    (though really, the interrupt latency of Linux makes this more suited for micro-controller, not micro-computer).

    What is your current starting level? Never programmed anything? Familiar with language X? CS degree but not in embedded systems?

    What if they reply to your autistic rant, do you then have relevant
    "classes or local groups that instruct on the use of the Pi in Orange
    County CA" to recommend? No, I didn't think so.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: Agency HUB, Dunedin - New Zealand | Fido<>Usenet Gateway (3:770/3)
  • From Dennis Lee Bieber@3:770/3 to All on Mon Sep 26 00:45:40 2022
    On Mon, 26 Sep 2022 00:47:57 -0000 (UTC), A. Dumas
    <[email protected]d> declaimed the following:

    What if they reply to your autistic rant, do you then have relevant
    "classes or local groups that instruct on the use of the Pi in Orange
    County CA" to recommend? No, I didn't think so.

    If the response is that they are total beginner in programming at all, I'd recommend checking local community colleges for "continuing ed" type classes, probably in Python.

    For embedded devices -- depends upon the type of device; but really, for that I'd recommend checking things like AdaFruit's tutorials specific
    to the device to be controlled. Especially as their "Blinka" library allows
    for interfacing with their CircuitPython libraries -- making many examples running on CircuitPython microcontrollers accessible to the R-Pi
    microcomputer. (And I'd recommend at least starting at that level before
    trying to code something in C/C++)

    For the cost of any formal classes -- the OP could probably pick up a few books off Amazon covering aspects of what they wish.

    Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber AF6VN
    [email protected] http://wlfraed.microdiversity.freeddns.org/

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: Agency HUB, Dunedin - New Zealand | Fido<>Usenet Gateway (3:770/3)
  • From Dennis Lee Bieber@3:770/3 to Somehow those attribution lines are on Mon Sep 26 00:35:18 2022
    On Mon, 26 Sep 2022 01:14:53 +1300,
    [email protected] (Vincent Coen) declaimed the following:

    Hello Ahem!

    Sunday September 25 2022 21:15, you wrote to Dennis Lee Bieber:

    On Sun, 25 Sep 2022 14:18:56 -0400
    Dennis Lee Bieber <[email protected]> wrote:

    Somehow those attribution lines are confusing... "WHO" "wrote to Dennis..."

    The R-Pi is a Linux system on a board.

    it's an ARM based SBC which can run Linux but might instead run
    any of RiscOS, Windows IoT, FreeBSD, NetBSD, Plan 9, Inferno, BMC64
    and probably several others.

    I sure never saw any such response to my post, which only mentioned Linux (since it is the native OS provided by the Raspberry Pi foundation). Given the wide-open question by the OP -- I suspect listing other OSs would just be more confusion than helpful...

    Don't forget IBM's MVS - although a wee bit slow :)

    A pair of R-Pi were also used to run a VAX Cluster setup using (at the time easily available) OpenVMS images (the current "owners" of OpenVMS have made experimental licenses more difficult to obtain as I recall).

    Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber AF6VN
    [email protected] http://wlfraed.microdiversity.freeddns.org/

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: Agency HUB, Dunedin - New Zealand | Fido<>Usenet Gateway (3:770/3)